Here in Houston, we dodged a bullet on the last one, it never took that westward jog.
The National Weather Service is saying that high pressure in the upper States will tend to steer this storm a little further South, which would put it in Texas. This is not good news for us in Houston.
The problem with big storms is, once they get into the Gulf, they are going to hit land somewhere. I am yet to see on turn around and go the other way. Many of us who live with the realities of Hurricanes know that if we get lucky, that means someone else is going to be unlucky.
The problem with myself is I am due to leave for Midland for the Buffalo Shoot Thursday, it would be rather rude of me to head out to Midland with that storm coming, or right about the time it hits. Too many responsibilities........jackie
A couple of years ago, I had to cancel my trip to the Nationals at St. Louis when Rita blew in. That Monday morning when they were shooting the Unlimited 100, I was on "chain saw detail", cutting up downed trees.
Sometimes life sucks.........jackie