Henry Buhrman

Henry Buhrman passed away yesterday at his home at the age of 74. He had been dealing with complications brought on by COPD for the past 7-10 years, and I'm certain that ultimately those complications caused his untimely passing...

I'm posting this in the competition forum because many of you old-timers will remember Henry from the late 80's and 90's. He was always fun to be around, and an unbelievable artist and craftsman; as those of you that ever saw his personally engraved muzzleloaders can attest to. He has not shot much competitively for the last 15 years...


Kent Harshman
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Kent, although I didn't know Henry personally, I know that he was a friend of yours and built the gun that you won the HV grand at the SS two years in a row. We are diminished with the passing of another of our great gunsmiths. James Mock
Sorry to hear such sad news Kent.

Still remember him making fun of the firing pin protrusion on the old Wichita at council cup that night.
He was one heck of a good guy! My thoughts and prayers to him and his family.

Hey Milt

Dale reminded us of one of the many funny quotes Henry would hit you with returning from a difficult relay plagued with a rough crosswind.

" I see you put a head on that caterpillar"

You couldn't help but laugh
I am very saddened to hear this news. Henry was a good friend for many years, and my Gunsmith for about 10 years. That was back when he still had his lathe in his living room, to the chagrin of his girl friend.
I saw his old co-worker and my sometimes traveling companion Eubert Burgess about 10 days ago. Eub is a few years older than Henry and looked to be doing very well except for Glaucoma that is bad enough he can no longer drive. He told me Henry was not doing well.
Lathe in the living room?

You just gotta love a guy that has his priorities right. Lathe in the living room. It never even crossed my mind, but I use a drill press and a forster tool to cut 223 cases to length. When I build a cabinet the right height to set the bench model drill press on and sit on a stool to use it,it will be in my bedroom.