Help from Swedish shooters


New member
I recently picked this CG 80 up at an auction. It was described as a "Swedish benchrest rifle"







I'm particularly interested in a small embossed rectangle on the barrel over the chamber. It is bracketed by two shallow tapped holes.


Anyone have any ideas what that is ?

Thanks, Steve
I'm sorry,
my reply was ignorant and insensitive, I've never shot benchrest in Sweden, so how would I know ?
Ya gotta admit, we do have a lot of fun on this board. I do agree with Gregory Peck------ I mean,Captain Ahab ( "I seek the White Whale") The serial numbers were there before the scope base was mounted over them.
So what calibre is it ? Looks like it would be fun to shoot.
Nobody's expense ! We all laugh and learn together and nobody gets isolated cause they don't quite fit in( except maybe Stephen Perry), don't sweat the rhetoric. If these guys can make room for a cretin like me,your questions and inquirys about Swedish BR rifles shouldn't ruffle any feathers.Don't go away mad, don't go away at all.It's winter and any knock on the cabin door is welcome.
I bet it was winter when that Carl Gustaf guy carved his name on the pistol grip of that deer rifle that ya have.
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Sweet rifle!

Calfed, that is a fine rifle! By any chance do the numbers on the barrel match the serial number of the reciever?

While it looks like the location of a barrel mounted scope mount, it would not make sense if there were not another location further down the barrel for another scope mount.

The radius cut in the bolt handle appears to be made to clear a scope, would not make sense to put it there otherwise.

Could it have been a mount for a different type of iron sight? There was one called the Hellquvist that was mounted in about that location if I recall correctly. The book "Crown Jewels" is absolutely invaluable for questions such as these. I gave my copy to a friend who bought most of my Swedes (Pesky recession!) so I do not have access to it at the moment. This is a must have book for Swedish Mausers.

Make it an absolute point to find some of the Swedish surplus ammo that is marked m41, and somewhere on the box will be a word spelled similar to "Prickskytte", this is sniper/target ammo and is VERY precise. I had 2 model 63 match rifles, sadly only 1 now, and both shot WELL under and inch at 100 yards benchrested. And not really benchrested properly either. That ammo is berdan primed. Somewhere on the internet someone figured out the approximate duplicate load. These are spectacular rifles, I have shot sub half inch groups with the aforementioned model 63 rifles. And the CG 80 is supposed to be better.

If that rifle did have Unertyle style mounts on it, it would have to be fun to see what it could do scoped!

Congrats on a fine rifle, enjoy it and please give a range report if possible.

Take care,
The CG80 is as the previous guys said a "prone" rifle and quite common in Sweden even if most of todays shooters are using Sauer STR.
The rifles are used in what we call field shooting a class with position shooting on unknown distances (for the shooter) from 100-600 meters with iron sigths and the only allowed caliber is 6.5x55.