Hawks Ridge?

Dan H

New member
Any of you long range guy's have any info from Hawks Ridge? Wondering how Bart and his new bullets and cobbled together rifle are doing.

Dan Honert
I just got back from Hawks Ridge and Bart had won a LG relay. I tried to talk him out of the cap but no!!

Big crowd, 7 relays!
Come on jim- thursday was the first time he pulled the trigger at 1000yd. Id say that makes him a rookie.
I know what the rule says but like any other rule its crazy to cross discliplines like that. Oh well at least he shot like a rookie
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Dusty, They didn't cut me a break and i didn't win a IBS. national….. Plus you guys had him shooting 600 F bench and he won there…… right ? But it was good he got his feet wet now he has a better idea what it takes to win to win a relay but all you get is a fancy pin and zip in points…… jim
Dusty, They didn't cut me a break and i didn't win a IBS. national….. Plus you guys had him shooting 600 F bench and he won there…… right ? But it was good he got his feet wet now he has a better idea what it takes to win to win a relay but all you get is a fancy pin and zip in points…… jim

The way I read the rule book the 1000 yard game is a whole different discipline. At any rate he got a pin AND a cap and more respect as a top shooter!!

Rookie can be an evil term.
Way back in Indycar racing, a guy with zero indy car races,
won the indy 500 and the series in his first year.
Offically rookie of the year.
The fact was he was Formula One champ the two
prior years, but no Indy car races..so he was a rookie.
Great shooting Jim and the rest of the winners


2015 Jim B.jpg
Hawks Ridge

I was glad to se Bart an Dusty show up I think both will agree long range shooting is a challenge thanks again guys.
We had a great time! The range like i said was awesome. Great to meet new people and see old friends. Maybe next time ill have a barrel chambered in time and not be fireforming brass the nite before and loading between relays and at the hotel.
You fire formed the night before the match and reloaded at the hotel?
Sounds like another 1000 yd benchrest shooter was born. You came to the right place to get hooked on 1000 yd benchrest. I went there in 2005 and cannot stay away from it. I look forward to going back every time I leave there.
Jerry Sharret, I didn't know you were there. Were you checking out a future venue of benchrest? I'm sorry I missed that opportunity to visit with you.
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You chambered a barrel the night before the match and reloaded at the hotel?
Sounds like another 1000 yd benchrest shooter was born. You came to the right place to get hooked on 1000 yd benchrest. I went there in 2005 and cannot stay away from it. I look forward to going back every time I leave there.
Jerry Sharret, I didn't know you were there. Were you checking out a future venue of benchrest? I'm sorry I missed that opportunity to visit with you.

Dusty is hooked Jay.

I was just there a couple of hours since I had weekend company coming Saturday evening.

The reloading area was so crowded with shooters equipment I didn't move around much. Spent much of my time with Dave Tooley trying to solve some of the worlds more serious problems like we have lost some 12 clubs where we used to shoot benchrest in the Southeast Region. Just a few years ago there was a benchrest match every other weekend in this region from March to October!

Sorry I missed you. Did you shoot?

I was amazed as to how well the 6mm shooters were doing.

Jerry I didn't see you with Tooley, And I was talking with him about some of his problems about where he had the Beer stashed for after the match Saturday nite! But good old Stanley had a case for all the PA. boys. Thanks Stanley. And Jay Cutright with his 3" group nice shooting. That should keep you hooked. I tried to talk to as many guys as I could and try to figure out why I keep putting my first shot low, that really kicked my butt. Left me in like 18th place overall. But Eddy K. And Me had a great time. And yes Jim Bauer shot some great groups, and I talked with Jim about his bullets and I would love to try some. But that part is a secret too! And I for one wish that the Nationals were for a whole week so we could all get to meet. Oh I forgot most of you Work.

Joe Salt
Sorry I missed you. Did you shoot?

I was amazed as to how well the 6mm shooters were doing.

Yes. I shot a 6mm Dasher light gun all weekend. The highlight of my shooting this weekend was I shot the smallest heavy gun group I ever remember shooting and I'm thinking it was the smallest at the match at 3.304"with a score of 95.