Haverkamp Actions

Don't know if you guys know about Haverkamp actions, but you should. I spent 3 hours at Tom's shop Saturday, and learned alot. He's a great guy, with a lot of knowledge. I'm new to benchrest shooting, and have been turned off by a few people that don't want to give a newbie the time of day. It's refreshing to find someone eager to help. I'm planning the build of my first custom rifle, and it will definitely be a Haverkamp.
I have a LV 40 RBRP. I really like it . And i have dealt with tom several time about this and that,he has allways treated me right.
No complaints. Tom did tell me he sold all the dual ports he made..so someone is shooting them..

Here is my haverkamp. of course its a 6BR..lol....
weighed it on my new scale.. 10lbs 0oz...that is with all the weights in the butstock, very nicely ballanced..


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Nice rig Mark, I'm a sucker for Chrome Moly actions........ Perdy.

Tom is a good fella for sure, and i think his actions are pretty nice. they are almost a little to heavy for a LV rig but if your careful they will work. Toms actions are straight, thats for sure. Tom doesn't shoot much benchrest though, and sometimes i wish he would go to a big shoot and observe a little more. Tom did start making coned bolts, and dual ports on his actions, and that is huge in this game. At first he didnt want to do this. I think Gordy finally talked him into it, thankfully. I called tom,or emailed rather about buying another one of his actions a few weeks ago. I wanted a dual port, and he wouldn't make me one until next year, so i passed. I will buy another for a prairie dog rifle build that i have been thinking about doing sometime next year. Yep, they are good actions and you sure could go dam worse than a haverkamp. Tom really needs to go to the big shoots, and campaign his actions if he wants to sell a bunch of them though. Most short range guys know nothing about them. He needs to go to the super shoot with his rifle so folks can see them. This is my opinion of course. tom is one of those fellas that would bend over backwards for you to help, and he is a good man for sure. i wish him all the best. I enjoy seeing good people succeed in life.
I would like to add and stress that these actions are indeed straight and true. I have had mine checked by a very competent gunsmith, and it was dead nuts true. Not all custom actions are perfectly straight, they just aren't. I have paid top dollars for actions that were not 100% straight, as have some of my good friends. Just because they are custom made, doesn't mean they are dead nuts true. On the other hand i have seen some custom actions that were not dead nuts straight and true shoot pretty darn salty, so it makes a guy wonder just how important some of this really is?? Good luck with your action as i think you will enjoy it.
Not sure were your coming from with your comment of being turned off by other benchrest shooters just because your new to the game though. Most of these men around here are fine people, and if they think your a worthy person, they will do what they can for you, for nothing in return. There are a lot of type A personalities in this game, so if you cant handle that, then perhaps this isnt the game for you. I think you will be fine thought but dont stereo type benchrest shooters as a hole if you had one bad encounter with one man, simply isnt fair. good luck friend! Lee
Don't know if you guys know about Haverkamp actions, but you should. I spent 3 hours at Tom's shop Saturday, and learned alot. He's a great guy, with a lot of knowledge.

Tom is a great guy and I have spent quite a bit of time talking to him, he is very helpful but also set in his ways......it took quite a bit of explaining why he should start making actions with a coned bolt and I'm glad to see that he has started incorporating this feature, just wish he'd make a left bolt right port left eject. I think Lee is correct that the action needs more exposure to become more popular and Tom needs to take a trip to view a big Benchrest match

I'm new to benchrest shooting, and have been turned off by a few people that don't want to give a newbie the time of day.

It has been my experience that all benchrest shooters are very friendly and helpful, in fact I've heard some new shooters say that they wished the shooters in other disciplines were as helpful and friendly. Not all shooters are receptive to questions and conversation during a competition

It's refreshing to find someone eager to help. I'm planning the build of my first custom rifle, and it will definitely be a Haverkamp.

My reply to your points are in blue.

Next time you are talking to Tom tell him there is a Kiwi that wants him to make left handed actions and I'm planning another trip to the US to try twisting his arm on this point........again........Ian
built my dad a 30BR on a haverkamp and boy does it shoot. I love them and would not hesitate to buy one again. great actions and like they are saying a great guy to deal with also.
I order a haverkamp action to build a 30 BR do i need a recoil lug or can i go with out it.

I'm really not qualified to answer that,but you do not need a recoil lug...I piller bedded mine,as i have a old hart action piller bedded by Mike Toth and it shoots very well and i have had it out of the stock e few times,now it does not have the milled flat on the botton of the action. it uses the rear of the tang as the recoil lug. I questioned it to a top BR smith once and he told me it was fine do not touch it, so i never did.Now the haverkamp and most newer action have the milled flat on the bottom of the reciver. I was told by someone when i asked and was told to relieve the rear tang and use the front of the milled flat as the recoil lug,now I dont know so i piller bedded mine and reileved the front of the milled flat and used the rear tang as the reciol lug. so its just scerwed in, not glued in, You may want to gule in. but i feel there would be no problem useing the rear tang as the recoil lug.
I used tom's piller's and screw kit(very nice stuff) I have another set of them in case i do a long range stock, I just switch barrel's and stocks.But it's hard once i have one shooting well i dont like to touch it..so may buy another action, I allready have my 20moa pic rail and piller kit.
It would be interesting to get some input on this, from some real BR smiths and Stock Smiths on this site.?
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"I order a haverkamp action to build a 30 BR do i need a recoil lug or can i go with out it."

I would say no. Toms action have a rather large bottom recoil lug with 90 degree angles. Tom also intended for the rear of the tang to be a second recoil lug when he designed his action. This action of toms would be ideal for a 13.5 pound 30BR or 6PPC. They are, for sure, nice actions! Lee