Has anyone used HBN on rest and/or rear bags?

Boyd Allen

Active member
I know that there have been various lubricants that have been used on bags. It is not that we lack viable choices, but is sounds to me like HBN might be a good fit for bag lube. 'Anyone tried it? What were your results? How often did/do you have to apply it?
Just a word of warning about any fine powder - it can and will get in your lungs. You can buy HBN in many different sizes. Their are several new studies that indicate inherit dangers associated with nano-size particles of many materials. I haven't seen one on HBN yet, however I grew close to a silica mine. Many men had there lives shorten by breathing in the silica dust. I now you wouldn't be exposed to the HBN powder for long periods of time, but you face it going to be close to the bag. Just something to think about. Tim

I started out with baby powder, then mica, then HBN. What I found works best is a 50/50 mix of HBN and mica. I use this on my front and rear bags which are the Cordura type. I live and shoot in Maine where it is damp or humid most of the time and this "Fairy Dust" as one of my shooting pals calls it works great. The mica comes from Midway, #279-094.

I keep a bunch of once used Bounce softener sheets in my pockets to lay
under the stock, fore and aft. No dust or sticky build up - the gun glides
forward and back. And, I am recycling the softener sheets.:D Cold, hot,
wet,or dry they work the same. :)
I use the 70 nm on my leather bags front and rear. Super slick. Fights humidity very well. If they do get a little tacky just apply more.
I leave my rest and bag outside next to my bench 365 days a year in a dry but not hermetically sealed box. Obviously its not a Farley.

You can dry buff it into the stock too for added results. My rifles aren't pretty either.

I have used HBN and mica mix on "Cordura" and "Ultra Fabric" bags and found it to be the best thing that I have tried to date.

I use a plastic salt shaker with a lid the kind that is used for camping. Just sprinkle the "Fairy Dust" on the bags and rub it in with your finger.

It beats the dryer sheets, baby powder, and everything that I have tried so far. I have no idea how it might work on leather bags.

Hello Randy

Happy new year.

I did try some silicone spray, it was the hardware store variety and of unknown purity.

I have thought about trying some of the "Pure Silicon" from Sinclair but the HBN & mica has worked so well for me that I went on to other issues.

What can you tell me about the silicone ? I'm always interested in learning more.

New Option

Butt, has anyone tried this?

Dick--I was trying to determine whether HBN was better than silicon. You stated that you thought HBN worked better than other things you had tried but I didn't know if that included silicon as it wasn't specifically mentioned in the above post. As you have used Silicon spray, but prefer HBN, I will assume you liked HBN better. Randy J.