Harrison Match Results - 9 June


New member
We held our second VFS match of the season on 9 June. We had three classes. Winners as follows...

Factory Class

Doug Mulder 245 - 8X
Elton Rountree 227 - 2X
Jim Guinn 224 - 1

Custom Class

Dudley Pierce 250 - 19X
Jim Dyke 250 - 14X
Ryan Tgiros 244 - 7X

Varmint for Score

Rob Fairbanks 250 - 24X
Jim Hutchison 250 - 23X
Larry Gage 250 - 23X

The scorer (me) made a massive screw-up when totalling the final scores and gave the wrong prizes to two people. The above is the correct scores. My apologies to the shooters involved. It appears we need a younger and less senile scorer.

The predicted rain never showed up, the winds were gentle and we had a nice day for a match. Fairbanks travelled a long way from his home on the Northeast shore of our Lower Pennisula and shot great. Almost all his shots were wipe-outs.

Next match is VFS on 23 June. See you there.
