Harrison 7 June VFS results (Partial)


New member
We had a VFS match Saturday for benchrest and factory guns. The weather was great and the turn-out, even with several regulars missing, was good.

The only accurate results I have as follows..

VFS bench class...

Jim Dyke - 250-16X WINNER
Brian Albee -250-16X Second via Creedmore tie-breaker.

The computer program we got from Al Walewski wasn't working for the new fellows who have taken over the matches. I compounded the problem by making an error in scoring that would have reversed the standings above had it not been caught. (I'm getting too old for this s---.)

Young Matt Dardas is in the process of solving the computer problem with a Bug Hole download. (See other thread here.)

In spite of growing pains a good time was had by all. The food at the Budd Lake bar was excellent after the match as always.

Next match is a 100 yd. group match for bench and factory guns on 21 June. We start shooting at 10 AM sharp. Come early for coffee and doughnuts.

If Matt can rescue an accurate copy of the results they will be posted here.

Dick Wright
Dick, I'll get Matt up to speed with the scoring workbook.

Hopefully I'll have the kitchen remodeling finished by July, I'll have some free time to join in the fun at Harrison (...as a competitor ).

Matt now has a download...

of the Bug Holes program. He wasn't working the computer and the guy that was had a problem. I didn't help when I scored a target wrong... Big hellabaloo about fixing it. We used to just change the score. ????

It will be good to see you back and shooting. It felt really good when I was finally able to shoot. It's been two years. You won't believe what you can forget in two years.

Dick Wright