Happy Father's Day!!


Paul Fielder

From one Dad to another......honestly, being a good Dad is the toughest job I have!!!

Mine are 7 & 10

Cheers to those w/ the kiddos....regardless of age. Thanks for being there for them!!

Enjoy your day!!

Thank you Paul

and a special fathers day greeting to each and every member on this site who is or has been a father.

Rich in Ca.
After being a father for 32 years. I wonder if the time will come when I feel I did a good enought job, or could not have done better?

After being a father for 32 years. I wonder if the time will come when I feel I did a good enought job, or could not have done better?

I worry about that same issue at the end of every day....If you were there for them 1/2 the battle is won.

My folks divorced at a very early age and it stunk playing the back and forth game across town every week but they did the best they could....I wish it was different but nothing I can change now. I just have to focus on my own marriage and kids.

My wife should get most of the credit....w/out her around it would be a mess.
