Gunmithing PORN

Interesting action, the features of the accurate savage design without the ugly look. Another plus is they will fit in a Remington stock. Things like that keep the budget reasonable for a top of line varmint rifle.
Caliber changes with diff. head sizes would be a good thing. That is one of the things I love about savages.

Hi Kevin!

Hey, shoot me a note when you get a chance.

Cheers buddy.

shooting back at ya

Hi Chad,
No pun intended in subject line. There's so many people on this forum, I'm actually not sure if you're talking to me. In case you are, pleased to meet you. I was a pretty fair toolmaker and designer in a previous life. I gotta say, from what I've seen you do damn fine work. I'm from the type who like to do a job, once, right, then move on to the next challenge. Looks like you're the same. I kinda miss working with steel and alum. Don't really miss the P-20 prehard though. It's been long enough that I don't even know if anyone still uses it. Anyway, I'm serious, you're work looks like the kind of fun I'd like to have again. Last 6 or 7 years I've been working with (and on) lasers, that's ok too, but I do miss the metal craftsmanship.

Best Regards,
Phillips, WI
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