Gun weight/scale error question


Senile Member
Somewhere, I can't find it in the rules for NBRSA or IBS, there is a statement about scale error or gun overweight for class.

On a Leonard stocked, Panda action, Leupold LSC scope equipt setup a 5# 2.5 oz barrel takes me to 10.5# 8 oz exactly with scope caps off, etc. I just finished a barrel that its weight takes me to 10# 8.5 oz.

After firing 4 shots to settle everything the first two groups were 0.140" and 0.080". If I chuck it back up and take anything off it might go to "average".

Isn't there a ruling on going 1 ounce over on a 10.5# class?

Not Jim but I looked in the on line rule book and the section that you are looking for starts on the bottom of page 6 with the specific information that you need on page 7. It seems to me that you are risking that your scale and a scale used at a match will read identically. It seems to me that the reason for the tolerance is that they may not. Good luck with that. If there is a discrepancy, I hope it is because yours weighs heavy, and not the other way around.
Some info I got from a longtime BR shooter who started in 1972, he says one allows 1/2 oz and the other allows 1 oz. He couldn't remember which.

Complications. complications, complications.

(Can The Donald fix this?)

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I used to have a friendly butcher who would weigh my gear on his certified scales, print me a receipt for goods at 1cent/kilo & sign an explanation.
Boyd and Jackie are right. The deal is that the scale has to weigh the check weights within the limit stated in the rule book. Therefore, any rifle, that weighs within those limits is good to go. The allowance ain't much and it's not worth the risk. That said...who weighs rifles these days? I'm asking rather than making a statement. :)
Boyd and Jackie are right. The deal is that the scale has to weigh the check weights within the limit stated in the rule book. Therefore, any rifle, that weighs within those limits is good to go. The allowance ain't much and it's not worth the risk. That said...who weighs rifles these days? I'm asking rather than making a statement. :)

Most every match I've shot in weighs. If someone shoots a record and guns haven't been weighed, no record.

CCBW, remember the last REGISTERED Super Shoot? 7 relays, 400+ Shooters and you told me we had to weigh? We did it!


The last match I attended, I weighed my LV. The rifle was almost 1/2 ounce over. I removed scope windage and elevation caps, and put it on the money. But, there were no check weights.
Most every match I've shot in weighs. If someone shoots a record and guns haven't been weighed, no record.

CCBW, remember the last REGISTERED Super Shoot? 7 relays, 400+ Shooters and you told me we had to weigh? We did it!


I think that is why the SS isn't registered any more. The loading shed looked like a chop shop.... Pretty sure I weighed the same rifle 3 or 4 times. But....As you said, we did it.

Not sure what you wrote about weighing rifles and records is accurate. Neither do I have an up to date rule book so maybe somebody that does have one will set me straight.
I think that is why the SS isn't registered any more. The loading shed looked like a chop shop.... Pretty sure I weighed the same rifle 3 or 4 times. But....As you said, we did it.

Not sure what you wrote about weighing rifles and records is accurate. Neither do I have an up to date rule book so maybe somebody that does have one will set me straight.

At the Nationals, they only weighed selected Rifles during the Aggregate, I think the top 3 or 4 after match three of each Agg.
I think that is why the SS isn't registered any more.

Not sure what you wrote about weighing rifles and records is accurate. .

Somewhere a rule book, one of them, stated weighing rifles was a requirement for record submission. The way it read only "rifles" must be weighed.i.e. Weigh 2 HV's would do.

You remember how we did the SS. I had Jim pick someone walking by to give him a number from 0-9. Then he would announce all competitors who'se number ending in that digit was weighed.
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One time I was at a match where I gathered that rifles had not been weighed often. The announcement was made that all rifles would be weighed (relatively small match) and a lot of shooters started making changes to their rifles, before they were weighed. I was a little disappointed, and a bit surprised to see who some of them were. It seems that they knew that they were over weight, and had fully intended to shoot in registered competition that way.
Astute observation there Boyd! I don't know what causes folks to knowingly compete with a rifle that weighs a little too much but it seems more common than you would think.

I spent a good half hour writing a longer post about this and decided not to submit it. Benchrest has been this way for a long, long time. Check weights and scales are expensive and folks, in general, don't seem to care. The problem is that some folks do care....wait...there I go again...I'll quit while I'm losing....
I spent a good half hour writing a longer post about this and decided not to submit it. Benchrest has been this way for a long, long time. Check weights and scales are expensive and folks, in general, don't seem to care. The problem is that some folks do care....wait...there I go again...I'll quit while I'm losing....

CCBW, didn't we buy, while you were SE Director, a set of certified weights to calibrate scales with? Seems there was a 10#, a 3#, and a 1/2# brass weights IIRC.

I haven't seen where someone was really trying to cheat the system, its just that some folks don't have the means to check their builds till they get to a shoot.

I seen them change bolts to weigh..... does that qualify for cheating?........ jim

Well, yes. Unless they use that bolt to shoot the Agg.

If a shooter wins an Agg, or pray tell shoots a potential record, and has to start removing, or changing parts in order to be within the weight tolerance, then by the rules, he should be disqualified. And I'm not talking about scope turret or lens caps.

But if nobody gives a sh-t, then let the rules, or the way matches are run, reflect that. Just have the match director ask everybody when they draw for benches if anybody cares if someone shoots a Rifle that does not comply with the rules.

See how that comes out.