Guess who's taking up the slack?



On one of my rare trips to Brisbane, Went to a big gun shop to buy some components. Asked for 1000 Winchester large rifle primers and they never had any. Asked for 25 cal Hornady V MAX and they never had any but they had some 75g Sierra so I bought them instead. Asked for some 25/06 cases and they had Remington and another brand for 1/4of the price. I bought the cheaper brand and they are good cases with a Chinese head stamp. The shop must have had millions of them piled up in card board cartons in all calibers and even unusual calibers. In this country there are thousands of small Martini cadet rifles, many of which are chambered for 222 rimmed but shells have been unavailable for years. In one of the boxes were maybe 10 thousand 222 Rimmed cases. Come on boys, Mr Who Flung Dung is watching carefully and if you can not supply the world with components at a reasonable price he will.:eek:
With most of the copper and lead going to China it may turn out that they'll be the only ones able to supply cases and bullets. :mad:
Now I am curious.


Which gun shop?

I collect cartridges and this is very interesting news.
I would very much like to talk to them about this brass.

What was the headstamp?

Thank you

Glenn :)

I think the U.S made another big mistake selling brass and lead to china. Sounds like the same mistake we made with Japan. We may get it back out of a barrel.
guess who taking up the slak

Cartrige case's
Yes i remember The us government was going to schredd all empty
Military cases and make them un available for reloading.
It was on 6mm br .com
A petition was sent and the order recinded.
It would have cost tax payers over a billion dollars to replace the lost revenue. I forgot the figure but it was quite a differance in brass prices.
One of the surplus brass suppliers gave us the link.
Just because something is available in quantity, at cheap prices, doesn't mean that quality follows. I'd have to see a bunch of the brass before making proclamations. Huntingtons sells a lot of imported brass and some of it is not worthy of loading a 30-30 for grandaddy's Model 94.:rolleyes:

Relax, get the facts, and then decide.

And speaking of Huntingtons and 222 Rimmed brass, I think they still carry it. From Bertram's no less.

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. From Bertram's no less = If that doesn't equal the kiss of death, what does?
Imported brass

The brass in the gunshop is probably Privi Partisan . One of the big importers
sells it under their own name.
How do you know where brass is made anyway?

I have a 50 piece bag of Remington I won in a competition some time back. It doesn't have a country of manufacture listed.

The match .308 target rifle ammunition issued thru the Australian NRA some time back came in 20 round packages that last time I looked were branded "Made in the USA". That ammunition consisted of Sierra 2155 projectiles, ADI 2208 (Varget) powder made here in Australia, Winchester brass from the Plillipines & unidentifieed primers. The loads were assembled by Winchester Australia on a Dillon progressive press.
Good Point John

I don't see the USA taking the lead in manufactring quality PPC brass and March scopes. Lots of high quality guns and components manufactured outside the USA. We all live in a World economy and should be thankful of it.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
To Stonewall.

The brass came from Tony Cleavers gun shop in Brisbane Australia. If you are still following this thread send me a small message, and I will photograph the head stamp and attempt to get it on to the net. The head stamp consists of just 3 characters and 25/06, looks like ynn or if you turn it upside down tuu, but I dont think they are english letters at all, more like chinese characters. The brass has been nicely annealed but the flash holes needed cleaning up, and weight wise there was about 5 grains difference over the hundred cases.:D
If the headstamp is nny, it is, as ppc6 said, Prvi Partizan, Yugoslavia.