On one of my rare trips to Brisbane, Went to a big gun shop to buy some components. Asked for 1000 Winchester large rifle primers and they never had any. Asked for 25 cal Hornady V MAX and they never had any but they had some 75g Sierra so I bought them instead. Asked for some 25/06 cases and they had Remington and another brand for 1/4of the price. I bought the cheaper brand and they are good cases with a Chinese head stamp. The shop must have had millions of them piled up in card board cartons in all calibers and even unusual calibers. In this country there are thousands of small Martini cadet rifles, many of which are chambered for 222 rimmed but shells have been unavailable for years. In one of the boxes were maybe 10 thousand 222 Rimmed cases. Come on boys, Mr Who Flung Dung is watching carefully and if you can not supply the world with components at a reasonable price he will.