Grandson's first deer hunt

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
My 14 year old grandkiddo Jack on his first deer hunt here in eastern South Dakota. When it came time to outfit him with a rifle for the hunt, my Stan Ware 'smithed 250 Savage Ackley Improved got the nod.

Jack's words after shooting it for the first time were "Grandpa, this thing is s-w-e-e-t!". :cool:

I've likely ruined the kid for life as far as rifles go! ;)

My 14 year old grandkiddo Jack on his first deer hunt here in eastern South Dakota. When it came time to outfit him with a rifle for the hunt, my Stan Ware 'smithed 250 Savage Ackley Improved got the nod.

Jack's words after shooting it for the first time were "Grandpa, this thing is s-w-e-e-t!". :cool:

I've likely ruined the kid for life as far as rifles go! ;)

Sweet rig Al. Hope he bags a nice big one.
I know what you mean!

I had a friend that used to post here some times and when he passed away we had a memorial shoot. His grand son shot his Panda actioned 30 br in the shoot, I had never seen the kid shoot before. He shot the most accurate rifle I've ever seen and he acted like they were all supposed to shot like that. Good on you taking him and spending the time to make a memory that will last a lifetime.
That's great Al. He will surely appreciate you as he matures and becomes a part of a great American tradition. My grandson Isaac killed his first buck year before last with my 6 PPC. For this year I bought him a .243 of his own. He is now 12 years old and the season opens in two weeks. I hope that he can get one with his new toy. Good shooting...James

I built my grandson a 20 TAC last year when he turned 11. He killed the first 4 groundhogs that he shot at. I got him started handloading as soon as we got the rifle built. This past August, 2 weeks before his 12th birthday, we flew to New Mexico to hunt PDs with my good friend Dave Hamrich. Talk about being ruined! That boy was deadly with that little rifle. I don't think he missed more than 2 or 3 the whole week. I had so much fun spotting for him I only shot a couple. He's already planning next years trip. Life is good!
My daughter is left eye dominant and I was looking around the shop for something suitable last year. I had an old browning BLR steel receiver 308 collecting dust along with a light 25 cal, re barreled it to the standard 250 Savage and cut a stock down for it...fits her well and is an ideal youth rifle with enough juice to do the job on deer. it's great to see positive first experiences and you set him up right!