Gotta love the Ausies....


We Aussies tend to say it like it is, looking from afar it seems The Trumpster over there agrees with our thinking?

It is not as bad as the media make it out to be, we can have most guns but you need to be licensed and the guns registered and locked away unless being used, what we can not do is have semi auto pump action type guns and we can not carry them around like you guys. The reality our laws are not as lax as yours but still better than most of Europe, some of those countries can only have air rifles.
Lets get this straight.
It is called FREEDOM
Yours are restrictive.

It is not as bad as the media make it out to be, we can have most guns but you need to be licensed and the guns registered and locked away unless being used, what we can not do is have semi auto pump action type guns and we can not carry them around like you guys. The reality our laws are not as lax as yours but still better than most of Europe, some of those countries can only have air rifles.
Probably does not across come correct on a forum post i did not mean any insult from it, so apologies for that just trying to answer the question.
Thanks bill. I have some aussie friends and im sure they make it out worse- you know how stories escalate under the influence. I do wish we had some of those drop bears and fierce snakes over here tho. Id be scared to get off a plane over there- even the frogs are poisonous! One bloke told me if he took a picture theres 4500 things in the photo that would kill me.
Dusty one of my favourite quotes from this years WRABF World Champiinships in Brisbane came from an American Doug Miller " Man i used to think i lived in the best place on earth, after coming to Australia i realised you do"
Yep just a poor choice of words, not really a big deal, just twisted my shorts at the time.
Have a good day bill
Probably does not across come correct on a forum post i did not mean any insult from it, so apologies for that just trying to answer the question.
It is not as bad as the media make it out to be, we can have most guns but you need to be licensed and the guns registered and locked away unless being used, what we can not do is have semi auto pump action type guns and we can not carry them around like you guys. The reality our laws are not as lax as yours but still better than most of Europe, some of those countries can only have air rifles.

G'day Bill compared to some countries Aussie does have some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world, and the point of introducing those restrictions was to reduce gun crime, correct?
Now from what I read it didn't have the effect of reducing the gun crime rate when they introduced those restictions did it?
So in effect all it did was reduce the law abiding gun owners freedoms and because you have lived with those restrictions for quite a while now, the law abiding gun owners think it's "normal".

There is a reason the Aussie service rifle competitors love to come to New Zealand, they are then allowed to use semi auto service rifles for competitions instead of bolt actions :D........ Ian
Gday Ian, yes and yes though the 1st yes is sort of there are other countries far worse re what they can have and cant shoot and the 2nd yes is also sort of i agree that 98% of shootings are from bad apples and no law can fix that..anyway back to the thread thought it the song is hilarious....
G'day Bill compared to some countries Aussie does have some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world, and the point of introducing those restrictions was to reduce gun crime, correct?
There is a reason the Aussie service rifle competitors love to come to New Zealand, they are then allowed to use semi auto service rifles for competitions instead of bolt actions :D........ Ian

Who is in charge in Australia? he people or the thugs?

We are getting ready in the US to see if it is us or the thugs who are in charge.

I just now brought in the morning paper. Has the entire Western world gone crazy or just don't give a damn anymore?

The headline, above the fold, makes the statement that " more States in 2016 will consider revising their LBGT laws"!!

It's time WE THE PEOPLE get off our a$$es and get back to guarding the henhouse. The ones running this US of A now, and have been running it since 1914, have to be taken down!

Texas's reaction to the coming GUN GRAB might be telling to see if WE really even care for the future???

Gday Ian, yes and yes though the 1st yes is sort of there are other countries far worse re what they can have and cant shoot and the 2nd yes is also sort of i agree that 98% of shootings are from bad apples and no law can fix that..anyway back to the thread thought it the song is hilarious....

Bill yes the song is hilarious and just says it as it should be said without the PC BS.

I always thought that the point of introducing laws was to solve a problem, but when the problem is created by those that are already breaking the law...........why introduce more restrictive laws that will only affect the law abiding??
All that achieves is to remove the freedoms of the law abiding, the criminals will just break those laws as well.

Eventually enough laws will be written and the majority of people will be criminals in one way or another............think about it.

I saw this recently
"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars"
