Gordy's new DVD- Way to go Gordy!


New member
I just got done watching his new release "Evaluating Rifles for Accuracy Problems" for the first time end to end. Probably one of the most informative DVD's to come on the market in a long time. Also had the chance a few months back to attend a couple of his classes. Learned so much of the little details that only experience can teach you. Great job Gordy and can't wait for the next one.

Glad you liked the video and the classes, JamieD. I really like to be able to help guys like you learn some accuracy gunsmithing techniques in my classes, and then go home and use what you've learned to set up your lathe and proceed to build an accurate rifle like you did!

Glenn, I can send them to Canada no problem. I really haven't even started to advertise them yet, but already I've sent quite a few to different countries around the world to guys who've found them on my website.

Gordy Gritters
Congradulations Gordy.
I think I was in your second class you had. Now I think you have a camera and a TV screen showing all the cuts you make.
Guys if you know the basics and have some machinig abilities you can get allot form his courses. I knew nothing and took lots from the class. Very easy to talk to and he is happy to teach.
I wish I had more time Gordy, you would have me on a regular basis.

Look forward to the DVD.
