Going to the East-West Shootout?


Chasin' the Sunset
I’ve never been to the East-West Shootout. In the past, I've thought of going; however, the distance has been too much of a hurdle. Now that I've seen the "show" at the Super Shoot and given that the East-West is a WBC qualifier, I'm wondering whether to take in the East-West "show." Why? It's kinda neat to meet and shoot with folks whom you've never met before, and to dream of earning at least one point toward the World Team. The problem with that first justifications is, "Where does it stop?" I can't go to all the shoots, but maybe I can go to that one -- and I think my wife would enjoy seeing St. Louis again. We'll see.
Aka Hunter

You think you have a far drive?

Just google Edmonton and Calgary Alberta. A few of us are coming from Canada. I am not sure how many hours from Edmonton to Calgary but I believe it is 29 to the East/West from Calgary. One of the guys is driving from Edmonton to Calgary then to Brandon Manitoba to pick me up. I hope that we can make Grand Forks or Fargo the first day.

Day two will have us at the range. 4 days of SOLID driving to shoot a weekend match.

Maybe see you there.....

you THINK he is picking you up,

a ways out of his way to do that unless he is bringing back something of value, or is he just a show-fur

The St Louis BR club has to be the nicest club in the country. Im lucky that I only have a 2.5hr drive to shoot there. The East West is always hot, so bring plenty of cool Gatorade.
St Louis can be quite tricky to shoot as well, so bring your best barrel and bullets, and of course shooting skills. Im not a good shooter by any stretch and every time I shoot there I leave a little frustrated. LOL! One thing for sure though, there will be plenty of good people there and you will enjoy yourself. Ill be there loading in the big loading shed. I wish I had a loading trailer with AC. Maybe next year. lee
One question about St Louis, super feet are required there, correct? I shot there in '06 and have not been back since then. Just need to know before I show up.


Joe Hynes

Yes Superfeet are mandatory at BRRC to preserve our new bench tops. If you don't have any some are available for rent.
I have some but have never shot with them. I tried them on my bench and they slip BAD. My top is shedding small particles of concrete and they just don't hold very good. I have heard they are fine.

Joe Hynes
I've seen some super feet users carry a bottle of water and a rag. I have a couple of different designs but found them too much trouble to use.

One year at an IBS nationals somewhere we were told the bench tops would be wooden. Some of the guys had metal feet with spikes on them for their rail guns.
I hate superfeet !!!


Kevin, You and 90% of the shooters I polled last year contrary to what was said. Its not really an issue with superfeet more of a problem with tops being to smooth at least that's what was told to me..And wetting only works so long dust builds up and they no longer grip..
I think superfeet will become standard in a few years. I just don't think they are there yet. A better rubber that can be prepped somehow (rubbing alcohol, lighter fluid, etc) to keep them from moving. A better understanding of how to prep a benchtop for them. And finally, better adhesive to connect the rubber to the metal.

Right now, I have no confidence in using them. I don't think people realize how much they can move. The wife and I usually share a benchoff and just changing guns between us, you notice the amount of movement. She almost pushed a 1200.oo rest the front of the bench and 4000.oo gun onto the benchtop and she handles a gun like it's a baby. Not once, have I not had to reposition the rest.

I will start working on my superfeet in the coming week so I can hopefully be ready for the East/West. I really intend to try and keep them from moving. I usually shoot four or five shoots a year at St. Louis (closest range to me) but since the superfeet requirement, I have only shot two. Just can't justify spending 750.oo to 850.oo on a weekend match for the wife and I and have problems with the rest moving.


I think superfeet will become standard in a few years. I just don't think they are there yet. A better rubber that can be prepped somehow (rubbing alcohol, lighter fluid, etc) to keep them from moving. A better understanding of how to prep a benchtop for them. And finally, better adhesive to connect the rubber to the metal.

Right now, I have no confidence in using them. I don't think people realize how much they can move. The wife and I usually share a benchoff and just changing guns between us, you notice the amount of movement. She almost pushed a 1200.oo rest the front of the bench and 4000.oo gun onto the benchtop and she handles a gun like it's a baby. Not once, have I not had to reposition the rest.

I will start working on my superfeet in the coming week so I can hopefully be ready for the East/West. I really intend to try and keep them from moving. I usually shoot four or five shoots a year at St. Louis (closest range to me) but since the superfeet requirement, I have only shot two. Just can't justify spending 750.oo to 850.oo on a weekend match for the wife and I and have problems with the rest moving.


On the St. Louis bench tops, a small spray bottle of water will be your best friend. After you first get your rest and back bag positioned as you want it, mark the super feet and bag bag positions. Then BEFORE you set them down ever again, spray a bit of water on each spot, enuf to make a slight puddle. The hydraulic suction will minimize any Super Feet movement to next to 0 and help keep your back bag from moving as well. I have shot those super slik tops at StL BRC, as well as Van Dyne, WI, for a lot of years and with LV/HV, HBR, and VFS rifles. I have a small spray bottle of water in my range cart for just that reason.

Started using them my second year. Got some wood that year. But, I also sat next to Jack a few times...
Sometimes the pegs could not find a hole. Then you got wobble........
I fix things for a living. It goes against my grain to bang on concrete.............
I made a set with a heavy grain leather as a bottom. They stick pretty well with a little spray adhesive. Not sure that's legal but it works!!
I have shot with my home made set of super feet ever since I started this game. I wouldn't know how to shoot without them. The leather and adhesive does work really well though. Check the rule book, and if there isn't any issues try it!! Lee

Steel tops leather bottoms, and spray adhesive to help them stick to the bench.
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You think you have a far drive?

Here's part of my problem: I'm thinking of going to see my Montana friends this summer and would like to have included the East-West Shootout with that trip, but their schedule doesn't fit like I had hoped. Given that, I'm wondering whether I want to make two "long" trips in the same direction this year. Maybe I should pass on the E-W and include the Rattlesnake on my trip to Montana, or maybe I should go to both shoots? I'm sure I'll do some flip-flopping on this over the next couple of weeks.

PS If I get to the E-W, I'll look for you.
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I made a set with a heavy grain leather as a bottom....I have shot with my home made set of rubber super feet ever since I started this game....The leather and adhesive does work really well though.

What do you mean by "leather as a bottom" and "rubber super feet"? Also, can you post a picture of them?
I made a set of super feet in the shop one afternoon that had a steel tops and leather bottoms. I used the leather in place of the usually used rubber. I glued the leather pads to the bottom of the stainless steel tops. We then sprayed some 3m adhesive spray to the bottom of the leather pads so they would grip my concrete bench. This worked extremely well.

I loaned this set of super feet to a noobie in st Louis last year and I forgot to get them back after the shoot. I haven't seen this shooter since. I would have liked to try them myself, but I was unsure of the rules. Still am, so I haven't made a second set. They work well at home, I know that much!! Lee