

Active member
In a previous thread TKH mentioned we set some goals for ourselves.
My 1st year shooting introduced me to the 50/50 site & the scoreline. I don't remember where I finished but it was south of 125. I do remember that.
Not surprising given the equipment I was using. A little Savage I thought would compete,the smallest, cheapest Caldwell rest they make, & some Wolf, no flags. :confused:
So my goal the next year was to get better equipment obviously. I did in a couple Winchesters but with the same rest & ammo basicly. My results were better. People actually spoke to me that year! But still south of 100 in the List.
So, the next year, more equipment was needed. Definitely a rest, & maybe my 1st "bench" gun. Both were obtained along with some flags that weren't very good (not yours Ray), & my 1st goal was set. Finish in the top 100.
Let me tell ya, that was the most miserable year of shooting I'd ever had. I put to much pressure on myself & it became NOT fun. I did finally in August that year say to hell with the list, let the cards fall where the may. I think I finished 98th or something. Think Savage.
I did however meet some great guys that year whom I consider friends. That was what made it worthwhile for me to continue on.
Along came last year. My only goal: Learn something, Have Fun. I did both along with meeting some more great people.
This years goal: Same as last.
I wonder what your goals are? What are some of the top shooters goals?
Good luck in '15
Enjoy the trip

I learned a long time ago on expensive fishing and hunting trips; learn to enjoy the trip first and foremost because often what one goes for doesn't happen as planned. Think "Being There", otherwise it becomes a job.

Goals Vs FUN

Goals are good to have, I set them myself. My goal is to shoot a 750 at a 3 card IR match. I have gotten within 3 points a couple of times, so it is do-able. But if it got to be an obsession, rather than fun trying, I think I would give up on that idea. I do not shoot enough IR or ARA matches, to even think about being in the top or middle of any list. I also use very basic equipment, 52D Winchesters on a bi-pod, however I did buy a good rest, but I really do not see any difference score wise yet.

I see guys treat these matches like a job, it does not look like they are having the same amount of enjoyment that I am having, but we all have different goals and go about achieving them differently as well. I am all about trying to keep it fun to do.

Commitment before equipment

If you are truly committed to reaching your goal, you must pay the price. That's Practice, Practice, Practice, and then some more PRACTICE. Search for the best from your present equipment, and remember that age old statement, "Beware of the man with one gun". Buying a Championship, is not as rewarding as one earned. Believe me, when I say "The Harder you work the Luckier you get".
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