Gene Beggs?

Is Gene OK? He normally answers promptly. Sure hope that he is OK.

Yep, I'm still alive and well out here in the wilds of West Texas. :p The world must be turning faster every year because I find myself having more and more trouble keeping up. You don't suppose I'm just getting old, do you? :eek:

Thanks for the concern.

Gene (Grandpa) Beggs:)
Yep, I'm still alive and well out here in the wilds of West Texas. :p The world must be turning faster every year because I find myself having more and more trouble keeping up. You don't suppose I'm just getting old, do you? :eek:

Thanks for the concern.

Gene (Grandpa) Beggs:)

Have you received my emails?
I guess I'm concerned about Gene. He has always responded to my emails. He told a friend that he had some dies that he wanted, but no further contact.
Anybody that can help?