Gas for 99 cents?



Oil was well below $40 today and finished at $39. The last time it was that low, regular unleaded could be found for less than a dollar a gallon.

Anybody wanna predict when gas hits 99 cents?:rolleyes:


Damn, and I just bought a Prius to pull my 28 ft. travel trailer. Think I'll still get 30 miles to the gallon?
Oil was well below $40 today and finished at $39. The last time it was that low, regular unleaded could be found for less than a dollar a gallon.

Anybody wanna predict when gas hits 99 cents?:rolleyes:


I wonder?? our prices went up .14 cents overnight last night. $1.64 yesterday, $1.78 today! Holiday travelers????? Ron Tilley
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Holding steady right around $1.59 here for the cheap stuff, which is below pre-Katrina price. Now I suppose anyone can turn over a rock and find a "Conspiracy" anywhere they look, but, I gotta wonder- Gas was near 4 bucks a gallon around here not too long ago. Bush/McCain state they support ANWR and offshore drilling, and the price goes down. obammy sez he doesn't support drilling in those locations, obammy get's elected, and the price continues to go down. What's up with that? :confused: Just wondering is all.


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I wonder?? our prices went up .14 cents overnight last night. $1.64 yesterday, $1.78 today! Holiday travelers????? Ron Tilley

Gas goes up every week end around here. Thursday morning I paid $1.41 for 87 octane, by 4 PM gas at the same station was $1.59. Monday afternoon once all the workers have filled up to get to work it will drop back down a bit, and continue to do so until Thurs. PM.
Up, down- it doesn't matter. You still have to pay for it.

Now if it was FREE, that's another thing.

People have traded in their SUV's for smaller cars, that's their choice. I got what I have cause , well, that's what I wanted- regardless of the gas price.
This gets screwier by the hour. Last night the local Circle K was selling regular unleaded for $1.43. Oil closed at $33 which is the lowest it's been in 5 years. This morning at 8am that same Circle K was selling unleaded for $1.55. :eek: :confused: :confused:

Do you suppose they realize that they have us by the gonads and all that they have to do is squeeze?


I am seeing exactly what Ron is seeing.Gas was running $1.56 now its running $1.79 and today it went to $1.89 as I was headed home.
If you can get it for 99 cents please bring 10 or 12 of those 55 gallon drums filled to the top with you to both the 600 and 1,000 yard nationals this year.
You are correct

Mr. Perry. The nuke plants work the same way. The rate payers have paid for the decommissioning of these plants well in advance. Unit 1 at SONGS was constructed at a cost of $500 Million. The cost for the decommissioning project was $1.4 Billion dollars. That money was invested over a long period of time, and made enough in interest to pay for the decommissioning of units 2 and 3 in 25 years.
Crude oil futures price is still dropping. How many even have a clue what a commodity, or crude oil "futures" price is?

Fuel prices like gasoline and diesel go where the head honcho tells the industry to put them. But first, the news media is handed the script to read. They call them "talking points".

Just don't look for them to go back to giving out steak knives or water glasses any time soon!!!
The botom line...

The oil execs have a clause in their contracts saying if the company profits go up so do their options. There is no company exec worth $700,0000,00.000yes, seven hundred million. That is where your bucks are going, salaries and dividends.
