Ga. State IBS Score Match, Sat Elberton Ga


david dumas

spoke to miles gibby, he said match will start @ 8AM saturday(Eblert County Gun Club) a really nice range, GREAT people, good food and state match points. last time we spoke miles was still going to start with 200 yds first then 100 yds after lunch, also he still had a "club match" running @ the same time including a factory class that's damn tough !! wlouie you bring that ole salvage you kick our butts with in dublin for the second relay?? Adrain call/email me if you need a factory gun,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hello David,

I'm sorry that we can't make it down this weekend, there is one of the Buckgreek yearly matches going on and I'll be part of target crew. Sure would like to see you guys, shoot good.

Danny Hensley and Shawn
Hello David,

I'm sorry that we can't make it down this weekend, there is one of the Buckgreek yearly matches going on and I'll be part of target crew. Sure would like to see you guys, shoot good.

Danny Hensley and Shawn

I hate ya'll can't make it,, how about the rest of the Ky mafia??jackie,bill & the rest of the gang?? tell shawn we're on for guest days again this year, maybe we'll leave the rain out

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,


Adrain call/email me if you need a factory gun,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,



Adrian needs a factory gun like I need another beer tonight...wait...bad example...;) I need to spend more time at work....yea, that works better...:D

the keg is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,
