Free NRA Memberships!


Tony Shankle

I recieved an email about this and tried looking it up and it looks real from what I can find. Seems like a good way to sign up family members and everyone else you know!

Here is the link and if you find out it is not real please let me know so I can correct the post.
Thanks Jerry

We made it home fine but I was certainly worn out! For some strange reason I am not getting any younger! :)

We had fun shooting with you and the group and appreicate the hospitality.
NRA free memberships

They sent out quite a number of membership/info cards to members. Some were for cops only - the rest for us. Just requires 800 number phone call to activate, select publication desired. Naturally they'll hope for renewals.
Smart move by the NRA. Increases member numbers -- so they can claim a larger membership -- and develops a "screened" membership mailing list for potential new members who are interested enough in the NRA to provide personal contact data, but for some reason have not yet coughed up the dues.

Free membership does not include monthly magazine, but puts you on an emailing list for a monthly "e-zine" . . . which will be a sales pitch.

NRA could do worse.

Four million NRA members. 80 million gun owners.