


Oh, now all the oblather boys are saying. "Well, when we said we were going to pull all the troops out right away. We didn't mean right away. We just said right away not the be confused with right away.Say, I have this nice used Sedan over here that was owned by a old lady from Ark, err, New York that only drove it to a political rally.
Oh, now all the oblather boys are saying. "Well, when we said we were going to pull all the troops out right away. We didn't mean right away. We just said right away not the be confused with right away.Say, I have this nice used Sedan over here that was owned by a old lady from Ark, err, New York that only drove it to a political rally.

Here's a few for ya from a man who claims has great judgement and is anchored in his convictions!

FLIP-FLOP #1: In His Remarks To The Annual AIPAC Policy Conference, Obama Said That Jerusalem Should Be The Undivided Capital Of Israel, But Later Said The City's Future Should Be Negotiated By Israel And The Palestinians:
FLIP-FLOP #2: Obama Now Claims That He Will Only Meet With Foreign Leaders At A Time Of His Choosing If It Will Advance U.S. Interests, But Previously Said He Would Meet With Rogue Leaders His First Year In Office Without Preconditions
FLIP-FLOP #3: Obama Has Pivoted In His Opposition To Legislation Labeling Iran's Revolutionary Guard A Terrorist Organization
FLIP-FLOP #4: Obama Now Claims That He Opposed Palestinian Elections In 2006, But He Supported Them At That Time:
Obama's Top Ten Flip Flops

Want some more?

1. SPECIAL INTERESTS. In January, the Obama campaign described union contributions to the campaigns of Clinton and John Edwards as "special interest" money. Obama changed his tune as he began gathering his own union endorsements. He now refers respectfully to unions as the representatives of "working people" and says he is "thrilled" by their support.

2. THE CUBA EMBARGO. In January 2004, Obama said it was time "to end the embargo with Cuba" because it had "utterly failed in the effort to overthrow Castro." Speaking to a Cuban American audience in Miami in August 2007, he said he would not "take off the embargo" as president because it is "an important inducement for change."

3. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. In a March 2004 questionnaire, Obama was asked if the government should "crack down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants." He replied "Oppose." In a Jan. 31, 2008, televised debate, he said that "we do have to crack down on those employers that are taking advantage of the situation."

4. DECRIMINALIZATION OF MARAJUANA. While running for the U.S. Senate in January 2004, Obama told Illinois college students that he supported eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana use. In the Oct. 30, 2007, presidential debate, he joined other Democratic candidates in opposing the decriminalization of marijuana.

5. NAFTA. During the primary season, Obama hammered Hillary Clinton for her support of NAFTA as First Lady, calling the free trade agreement "devastating" and "a big mistake." Now, in an interview with Fortune to be featured in the magazine's upcoming issue, the presumptive Democratic nominee said that NAFTA has indeed been positive for the US in some ways, and that his earlier criticism - while trying to convince white blue collar voters in some states to vote for him - was 'overheated and amplified.'

6. THE DEATH PENALTY. Ten years ago, when Obama was running for statewide office in an ultra-liberal Chicago district, he opposed the death penalty. As Obama announced this week, he now supports the ultimate penalty.

7. HANDGUN BAN. For 8 years--before becoming a US Senator--Obama sat on the board of a non-profit which contributed $2.7 million to efforts advocating for a complete ban on handguns. (Before that, Obama filled out a questionnaire in 1996 stating that he supported a ban on the manufacture, sale AND POSSESSION of handguns.) But starting with his primary campaign in the gun popular Midwest, Obama now opposes such legislation, and claims to support gun owner's rights.

8. PROPOSED FISA LAW IMMUNITY FOR TELECOMS. In October, 2007, Obama pledged that if the FISA bill contained an immunity provision for telecoms, he would not only oppose the bill, he would help block it through a filibuster. This week, he voted for the bill, telecom immunity provisions and all.

9. PUBLIC FINANCING FOR OBAMA'S GENERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN. In November, 2007, Obama issued a written pledge to opt into the public campaign finance system for the general presidential election, if the Republican nominee also did so. John McCain immediately accepted the pledge, which acceptance Obama acknowledged in writing in November 2007. After he became the Republican nominee, McCain opted into the public finance system (as he pledged to do), but Obama broke his pledge and opted out.

10. THE WAR IN IRAQ. In 2004--when Obama was running for the United States Senate-- Barack Obama not only said that he was open to a U.S. troop increase in Iraq, but warned against a premature troop withdrawal as a "slap in the face to the troops fighting there" which could make Iraq "an extraordinary hotbed of terrorist activity." Fast forward to Obama's presidential campaign premised in large part on an immediate withdrawal from Iraq.

These 10 examples evince 180 degree changes by the Senator from Chicago on fundamental issues going to the core of Obama as a candidate, and provide important indications of whether the "change" candidate will do what he promises to do in the campaign to court our votes.

Legitimate questions are also raised as to whether Obama is accurately portraying himself during the election process, or is he simply feinting to the middle like the good basketball player he is? How many more Obama flip-flops can we expect before November 2008, and to what extent can the "change" candidate continue to portray himself a different kind of politician who rejects "politics as usual"?

Also another note. While he has flip flopped on many issues Barack Obama has had to backtrack on foreign policy issues, just recently on Jerusalem. He tried to outdo John McCain at AIPAC by insisting that Jerusalem remain the undivided capital of Israel. The Palestinians erupted in anger at that statement, and by the end of the day they had Obama backpedaling...not sure if its a flip flop. I guess its debatable!
To cut and Paste saves so much time, especially when there is so much available.
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And now someone will announce that the only thing to do in this situation is "stay home, and not vote."

Which has been a democratic strategy for the past seven and a half years.
could always hold a gun to liberals heads and Force them to vote YOUR way. Isn't that the REPUBLICAN way? Force? War? We'll bomb you off the face of the earth! We'll take away your food and impose sanctions that will starve you and your children! In other words: WE ARE GOING TO FORCE OUR WILL ON THE WORLD. There is always someone else bigger, tougher, stronger and just as arrogant capable of stepping in the ring and kicking our butts. Be careful what you wish for..... you might find it!!!


You kinda rambled on in that post and it really doesn't make sense to me. Could you emphasize exactly what you are referring to?

You seem to be running around with your hands over your ears, with your eyes closed yelling "Laa Laa Laa Laa" Reading your posts remind me of Charlie Browns teachers voice- Wa Waa Wa Waa, Wa Waa Wa Wah. It has the same substance too.
could always hold a gun to liberals heads and Force them to vote YOUR way. Isn't that the REPUBLICAN way? Force? War? We'll bomb you off the face of the earth! We'll take away your food and impose sanctions that will starve you and your children! In other words: WE ARE GOING TO FORCE OUR WILL ON THE WORLD. There is always someone else bigger, tougher, stronger and just as arrogant capable of stepping in the ring and kicking our butts. Be careful what you wish for..... you might find it!!!

I'm not one to blatantly cast blame, but if you were to poll the American public and ask them "Which party has weakened the U.S. the most" the answer would be overwhelmingly, "Democrat"! Up until the Dems basically dissolved are defenses we were the most powerful nation on the planet. So if we are vulnerable you can thank your own voting record, that is if you have the courage to admit it.

Guys you will have to forgive him, he afterall just had his canidate trashed by the facts that even he can't recover from. That is the Liberal way of trying to turn us from the truth, yell loudly and speak nonsense!!!!:D
I have no problems reading, but thanks for telling the truth about our education system!!

When you repsond to a topic, usually one addresses the issue at hand. Neither of your posts did that. This is why people respond to you like they do. I don't hold your opinion of us as a country but you are entitled to it, but try to repsond to a topic with what it is about, thanks!!;)

Maybe this would be easier understood. How about some fairness here to all, and list an HONEST grouping of the flip flopping by John McCain. Let's not exclude past flip flopping simply because it is something from the past. Flip flopping is flip flopping.
Skinning A Cat

"Which party has weakened the U.S. the most"

Sorry, Vinny, but there's more than one way to skin cats and more than one way to weaken the country.

Many are now arguing that the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld $3 trillion Iraq war will produce major economic damage in future decades, and severely weaken the country as a result. Check the value of the falling US dollar to get a clue of what's ahead.

Osama was right--the oil producing middle east countries can bankrupt the USA--all that was needed was to bog us down in a prolonged morass of a war costing trillions. Bush stepped right into the jaws of the trap, and Osama is still at large. Who's the dummy?

If Bush&Co. were Democrats I'd be agreeing with you. But they are REPUBLICANS. The cat got skinned by a different bunch this time!
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have as much trouble understanding my threads if you would actually read them. Maybe that's due to the way you were educated by the crazy liberals who wrote the text books used in our school system. You make it sound as though freedom of choice should have been removed from our constitution.

Excuse me??:confused:

I ask a simple question about a post that appears you hastily wrote and now my education is being attacked?

You, sir, need to get a grip. To this point I've given you more credit than another certain someone. Seems the civility that keeps being screamed about around here only pertains to everyone but certain individuals. Dadgum if y'all ain't the first to call foul and then the first to foul.

I get it though. Do as I say, not as I do.

I believe Vicvanb already posted about McCains flippedness. This one simply reported on Obamas. I don't see the shortage of fairness in the two, but if you need it to be done, why not put up a post listing both of their flipflops.

I critisize both canidates and have said so many times that I will vote for neither of them. Some might call that a vote for the Dems anyway, but I wouldn't call it that.

I think what we as a country need to do is elect the third canidate and teach both parties that until they come up with a decent canidate, we will continue to vote against them both, but that's just my two cents. Might stir things up and put us back on the right path, that of a better America!!!!!

You are always speaking of this many, just who are they?

No one president does anything on his own. He has to go to Congress to declare war on anyone. I believe if you go back and check the record, most everyone of them voted to enter into this war we are in.

It was the previous president who was the paper champion and Bush has done a lot to bring us out of the slump we were in after Clinton left. We shall see just who it is that can do better, but I doubt it will ever be a democrat since all they know how to do is tax tax tax and spend spend spend!!!

And how many of these posts do you think don't get off topic very quickly. I don't recall directing my statement directly to you.

I agree with you completely. The third party would shake things up.
And how many of these posts do you think don't get off topic very quickly. I don't recall directing my statement directly to you.

I agree with you completely. The third party would shake things up.

Great idea! I've been thinking, my wife always follows that with an "OO" if enough citizens demanded a "None of the above" as a choice on election day then the powers to be would recognise that a few million people are unhappy with our only two choices. This might give some group incentive to create a third party. Where there is a demand there should be a supply. Or, it might force both parties to rethink their strategies.
Crazy idea or is there some merit to the thought?

Nothing crazy about it. How many of us are willing to unite and take that stand?
I know we think it is too late, but there is a third choice running now.

Think about it, there will be Congress no matter who is elected. Couldn't hurt a thing by voting in someone other than who the parties give us and maybe next election they will both come up with viable canidates.
I know we think it is too late, but there is a third choice running now.

Think about it, there will be Congress no matter who is elected. Couldn't hurt a thing by voting in someone other than who the parties give us and maybe next election they will both come up with viable canidates.


Count me in!


Isn't the third choice a "Nut"?

Well, I used to like him a lot years ago, but I think Clinton got the best of him. He was a very intelligent man and asked some very pertinant questions when he was on the hearings dealing with most of the Clinton investigations.

The point of the discussion though is the message we could send by voting him into office. The President isn't a king and he could only do so much to begin with, no matter whether he be a Dem or Rep or anyone else. It would send a message that no matter who is in office, the rest of them had better work together to get things done or they will be out of office pretty soon as well.

It could happen and work if we all took a stand!!!:cool:
Third party

I've been voting third party for a number of elections now.
Just because I don't really care for the other parties.
So i guess I'll just keep voting for the nuts,in the third party, after all I am from California the land of fruits and nuts.
I guess it all comes down to what you want in your cereal,nuts or liars and crooks.
Rudy Manuel:p