First meters match....a question


Active member
I will be shooting my first IR50/50 match (tournament) on Sunday at meters. I have shot a few at yards and that is where my rifles are zeroed at. Unfortunately the club I belong to (not the match club) does not allow placing a target board anywhere except in front of the designated distance berm. I could set up at 50 meters and bullet impact would be at 100 yard berm, but this is not allowed.

My question would be how many clicks in elevation to get centered again at 50 meters as apposed to 50 yards with a 50 yard zero. Both scopes have 1/8 moa adjustments. Just getting close would help. I have plenty of time on a target with 30 minutes, as I am used to only 20 minutes, to make finer adjustments when the timer starts. Thanks in advance for any replies.
Scott, 2 or 3 clicks up shoul do it. Don’t forget to reset your parallax.
Meters isn’t as difficult as some make it out to be. You’ll be fine. Good Luck!
Keith got it right. You won't have a problem. Good Luck.

Thanks for the information Keith. I appreciate the focus tip too. I may well have forgotten that on Sporter. I can't see anything in that class anyway. Got the scores in that class to prove it! Been having fun shooting IR this year. Meeting some new people and having a range in my home state that shoots it has been great.
Have a good weekend my friend........Scott
Sounds like you are going to have great weather for shooting.
Just trust your sighters.
I'll be looking forward to hearing about your matches.
Good luck.
Hawkeye Wizard
Sounds like you are going to have great weather for shooting.
Just trust your sighters.
I'll be looking forward to hearing about your matches.
Good luck.
Hawkeye Wizard

I did trust my sighters and things did not work out today. As you know from shooting with me in the past, some days I'm really on, others.....not so much. It was a 'not so much' day today. I did have fun though, and as always, learned some new things.

Meters tomorrow and another chance. No matter the outcome, I am sure it will be fun. Tony Harper showed for this match and ran away with both the State and Regional wins. While I have seen him before at the ARA Nat's, never really had a chance to meet him. Super great guy, very humble, polite and a kick butt shooter. Was a real treat to shoot with him.

I will shoot an email to you about the final day.

Later my friend.....Scott