Our first match went good with some good shooting, in calm conditions.
2-Gun Overall
Al Forbes LG Group agg 1.930 HG group agg 2.076 LG score195 HG score 193
2nd- Steve Hoskin LG group agg 2.536 HG group agg 1.903 LG score 187 HG score189
3rd- Greg Wahlstrom LG group agg 2.690 HG group agg 2.607 LG score 192 HG score 187
4th- Bert Van Heuvin LG group agg 3.212 HG group agg 2.391 Lg score 185 HG score 193
5th- Ken Wilson Lg group agg 2.382 HG group agg 2.382 LG score 190 Hg score 184
All other results are already on IBS website, Thanks to all who showed up to shoot and thanks to all who helped build new fireing line
2-Gun Overall
Al Forbes LG Group agg 1.930 HG group agg 2.076 LG score195 HG score 193
2nd- Steve Hoskin LG group agg 2.536 HG group agg 1.903 LG score 187 HG score189
3rd- Greg Wahlstrom LG group agg 2.690 HG group agg 2.607 LG score 192 HG score 187
4th- Bert Van Heuvin LG group agg 3.212 HG group agg 2.391 Lg score 185 HG score 193
5th- Ken Wilson Lg group agg 2.382 HG group agg 2.382 LG score 190 Hg score 184
All other results are already on IBS website, Thanks to all who showed up to shoot and thanks to all who helped build new fireing line