First Group Match of 2017 at BRRC


New member
First Group Match of 2017 at St Louis

It's getting close to that time of year. The first group match at Bench Rest Rifle Club of 2017 is just around the corner. Time to blow the dust off of those rifles in the safe and head to St. Louis. Match dates are February 25-26. It has been unseasonably warm in St. Louis this February, so everyone will probably need shorts this year.
This is an LV/HV 100 and 200 yard match with all 100 yard shooting on Saturday and 200 yards on Sunday. We will start at 10:00 am on Saturday and 8:00 am on Sunday. I am still working on availability for a fun match on Friday afternoon, but we will have one if my schedule permits. Standard match fee of $90.00, and no charge for camping and use of the showers and facilities.
We will have lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and bacon wrapped fillets for dinner on Saturday evening for a mere $20.00. We have been very fortunate this year. This match has been our Memorial Match the last few years, where we have honored fellow local shooters that have passed on. We are lucky enough to not have anyone that meets that criteria this year, so instead we have decided to honor Mr. Dave Quevreaux. Dave is a bench rest shooter, but he was also the driving force behind the the completion of the current BRRC range after the old club flooded in 1993. Dave was instrumental in building our beautiful range, and we felt that it was appropriate to honor his devotion to the sport and our club. Dave will even be attending our dinner on Saturday night.
For planning purposes please let me know if you plan to attend. Also please let me know if anyone needs assistance with hotel arrangements. I hope to see a bunch of you in a few weeks.
Joe Fesi
(314) 800-8921
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Sure did. We are updating the camping list to reflect some changes recently made to the grounds. As soon as the list is updated I will post it so that everyone can request spots. We should have this done in the next couple of weeks.
Sure did. We are updating the camping list to reflect some changes recently made to the grounds. As soon as the list is updated I will post it so that everyone can request spots. We should have this done in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks, In case I miss the update, just put me down for my old spot.


Surely you don't want Greg King to wear shorts. I would bet those old farmer legs haven't seen sun for decades. Could cause optics problems for those shooting around him.
Next Weekend!

Well the forecast is showing mid 50's next weekend. Perfect weather for our first shoot of 2017. No excuses that it's to cold this year!
If you plan to attend the match, and haven't notified me yet please let me know for bench and food planning.
I look forward to seeing a bunch of you next weekend.

Joe Fesi
(314) 800-8921
Friday Shoot

Well, the weather is looking great for the weekend. My travel schedule has changed, and now I know that I will be at the club on Friday. How about a little fun shoot for cash on Friday. I have a new target to test your skills. We will start at 5:00 PM. I should be out at the club most of the day for anyone that wants to setup early.
I heard a Farmer from Obumer's state scored kinda high.
Been "whittling/filing" on new bullet to shoot and come-pete.
Not nammin names cause its still rumer.
Royalty don't want thur name thron round I herd.
Tryin to stay on good side them Royalty types.
Maybe a atendee would confrm to make it legal like!

Heard a Iowan tried to upset the "Kings Reighn".
Thats likly to start border wars again !

The Cripple
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