Firing Pin Spring for Nesika Action?


I have a Nesika single shot long action, possibly an type E as the serial# is E000XX. The firing pin spring appears weak (20+ y/o) and I would like to replace it, but neither Wolff nor J&P can help. Does anyone know a potential source for a replacement spring? If one cannot be found, can spring tension be increased by inserting a small spacer? Any help appreciated.
I think springs for a 700 Rem will work in a Nesika action. I have a model J and a spring for a Mod. 7 (or a 600) worked perfect in it.
Check to see which R700 action lines up with your action, bolt length for bolt length.

Steve Kostanich
Give Chad at Long Rifles Inc a call. He use to work for Nesika.

I also thing R700 springs will work, or you could try contacting Defiance Machine - the owner is the same guy that started Nesika.

Just a follow up:
I received a prompt response from Defiance, nothing from Long Rifles. I ordered Rem M700L and M700S 28# springs from Wolff, cut off two coils from the Short spring and installed it. (The 28# Wolff spring has same OD/ID and wire diameter as the Nesika, but 2 coils more and over 1.5" longer). It seems like it has restored the snap, but time will tell. Thanks to all who responded.
One thing to remember when switching springs is the ID of the spring. If it is too small the spring may bind when compressed. If it is too large the spring may bow to one side when compressed and rub against the inside of the bolt. I am not an expert on this. Perhaps someone with more expertise would spring into action and comment on this.