Finding top dead centre?


New member
Just curious how you guys mark top dead centre when installing a muzzlebrake?

I normally use a string through the aft scope base screw hole. I line up all the hole with the string and mark TDC on a piece of masking tape before removing the barrel.

Today I used a magnetic laser level shooting a straight line attached (to a metal piece) above the barrelled action. Lined up everything ( the 4 base screw holes) then marked the front on the masking tape.

I am sure there is many ways of doing this, just trying to figure out what works best.

What works best is what works for you. They are never perfectly aligned so I pretty much eye ball it stopping just short as it will rotate a little further with removal.
Clamp action to a 90* angle plate(Mauser), or v-block on its side(Rem.), place on surface plate. Use height gauge to find the center of the muzzle; scribe inconspicuous TDC line on the end of the barrel. Many ways to do it. Depends upon what you consider to be the rifle's baseline, and/or what tools you have on hand.
Scribe a line

Install barrel on action and put Dykem at the breech and muzzle. Use a square to scribe a line at TDC. Remove barrel and mount between centers in the lathe. Put a spring-loaded scribe in the tool post, align with the scribed line at the breech - move carriage to the muzzle and scribe the alignment line.