Favorite Songs....

.....I like almost everything but Rap.....makes me want to vomit!!

Krauss & Union Station are a favorite but this song always picks me up when I'm down and takes me back.


What floats your boat??


Paul, how can you criticize Rap! What other kind of music doesn't require you to be able to sing or play an instrument? :D

Allison Kraus and the Union Station floats my boat too! I friend I restored cars with wrote a song for one of her albums and knows her personally. He's been into Bluegrass all his life. I got into it though the back door of folk music of the 60's. I just sold my 5 string banjo, because I love the music, but not enough to practice it evidently!
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Paul, how can you criticize Rap! What other kind of music doesn't require you to be able to sing or play an instrument? :D

Allison Kraus and the Union Station floats my boat too! I friend I restored cars with wrote a song for one of her albums and knows her personally. He's been into Bluegrass all his life. I got into it though the back door of folk music of the 60's. I just sold my 5 string banjo, because I love the music, but not enough to practice it evidently!

I screwed up and sold a 1970 Fender Strat Starburst out of high school when I got into hunting so I could get a Leupold....I'm NOT going to say what that Ax is worth today. I could KICK myself....I have a 70's vintage Alvarez Acoustic that is worth some coin but I was too much into football and track and never did spend the time or effort to learn to play.

I wish I knew how to play the harmonica!! Perfect for a campfire and easy to transport.....I may try to take lessons some day.

Anyway, one thing we can agree one is she has the prettiest voice on the planet!!



I wish rap had never been thought of.....it is like fingernails on the board to my ears!!
Favorite songs?

I like just about any kind of music if it's performed by skilled musicians. About 95% of what's recorded and played live today (and for all of the 60 years I've been listening) isn't. Particular favorites if done well include Inca folk music, Russian classical, Baroque, bluegrass, jazz, and rarely, hard rock. Any of those done poorly sucks. Good music can put you in a trance and move you to a different reality.

A least I can enjoy music. I've been very careful to use good hearing protection when shooting since I started. It's the one thing my father taught me correctly about firearms.

I don't want my boat to just float. I want it clipping the wave crests at 70+ knots and taking me to a secluded beach with clean sand and supurb weather.
Good music can do that.
the night

joan biaz-----the night they drove old dixie down-----makes me cry. ben
Have to admit I like Hard Rock....

I like just about any kind of music if it's performed by skilled musicians. About 95% of what's recorded and played live today (and for all of the 60 years I've been listening) isn't. Particular favorites if done well include Inca folk music, Russian classical, Baroque, bluegrass, jazz, and rarely, hard rock. Any of those done poorly sucks. Good music can put you in a trance and move you to a different reality.

A least I can enjoy music. I've been very careful to use good hearing protection when shooting since I started. It's the one thing my father taught me correctly about firearms.

I don't want my boat to just float. I want it clipping the wave crests at 70+ knots and taking me to a secluded beach with clean sand and supurb weather.
Good music can do that.

...but old school like Led Zep , AC/DC, Stones, Hendrix, etc....

One of new favs is a Texas singer song writer Cory Morrow......Great Talent but more country w/ a hint of rock.

Favorite songs.....

HMMMMMMMMMMMMM let me think????????????????????? AHHHHHHHHHH, anything buy that Texan named George Strait. As a matter of fact just about anything in the Country and Bluegrass genre.

In getting back to Alison Krauss, she reminds me of a songbird. I just love watching her perform. The words come out of her mouth with very little effort.

This is one of my favorites by her a James Taylor remake.


Well, now.. this definitely fits the general classification.

Lesee... Old country. Don't care too much for some of the modern country, It's just not my favorite.
Listen to a lot of other stuff (classical, big band). Really enjoy singing barbershop quartet though.
Guess I'm the odd one in the bunch.
You are correct...

Paul, I had you pegged as a Bocephus man. Was I wrong? :eek:

...like his daddy too.

Hank Jr, both W & W ', Merle......I like it all. Music keeps me sane. Dire Straights, Rush, Clapton....

There is a Christian Rock group called 'Third Day' that is super cool too....

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Some of the early Kingston Trio songs are among my favorite. Some of John Denver's. Almost all of Willie Nelson's music and who could forget Johnny Cash.

Anyone remember "Sing Along with Mitch Miller"?

Concho Bill
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joan biaz-----the night they drove old dixie down-----makes me cry. ben

I just transferred that from an old L.P. to digit CD last week!

I'm afraid I was into Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young! :D
Some of the early Kingston Trio songs are among my favorite. Some of John Denver's. Almost all of Willie Nelson's music and who could forget Johnny Cash.

Anyone remember "Sing Along with Mitch Miller"?

Concho Bill

Mitch Miller? I'm too young to remember him, I WISH!

I think I've got all the Kingston Trios original albums. I've been trying to find a place to sell about 200 of those 60's/70's albums without having to go through selling them one by one on Ebay.
Well, now.. this definitely fits the general classification.

Lesee... Old country. Don't care too much for some of the modern country, It's just not my favorite.
Listen to a lot of other stuff (classical, big band). Really enjoy singing barbershop quartet though.
Guess I'm the odd one in the bunch.

My Mormon buddy that I shoot with doesn't seem to like music after 1958! Oh well, he hasn't shot me or even called me a name when we argue politics and religion after 50 years, so I guess we're must be friends! :D

I started playing Guitar when I was in the 9th grade. (I am 60 now). A good friend taught me the basic three chord progression, and I was ready to Rock and Roll. I did ok, as long as every song was in "E".
I bought a Fender Strat out of a pawn shop in 1965, because I wanted a guitar just like Carl Wilson played. My entire existance revolved around playing that simple riff that he did in "Help me Ronda". When I was drafted in 1968, I sold the Strat to a friend, for $50.
I never learned much lead guitar work, but perfected full chord progressions, walk ups, walk downs, and my right hand technique. It is no mistake that I love AC-DC, full power chord progressions, lots of sound, and LOUD. In my opinion, "You Shook Me All Night Long" is just about as good as it gets for just pure old Rock and Roll. (as a side note, my Wife also loved that song, untill I downloded the lyrics for her. She had a rather puzzled look as she read them).
I also love Rickey Nelson, early Elvis, The Stones, and ANYTHING by Johnny Cash. I love playing that "Luther Perkins Lick" that made the Cash sound. My favorite Johnny Cash song, "Understand Your Man".
That Verse: "You'd just say the same old things that you been sayin' all along
Just lay there on the bed and keep your mouth shut till I'm Gone
Don't give me that old familiar cryin cussin moan
Understand, your Man"
Man, that is pure poetry.
My favorite guitar accompany in any popular song though, is that ringing twelve string in Simon and Garfunkels "Sounds of Silence.
I can play the progression, it starts in A-Minor, you walk the strings to get that melody within the chord structures as it goes to G, F, C and back to the A-Minor, using the high string walk downs. But, I have NEVER been able to duplicate that sound on the originol recording with my current Strat and Marshal Amp.
Heck, one day I just might go and buy a Rikenbacker Twelve String, and what ever else I might need to get that sound, and die a happy man........jackie
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If you like acoustic guitar, William Ackerma is good. My wife had this song playing at our small wedding in my grandmother's backyard. This one is slow but he has some faster stuff and is pretty talented.


I always thought the title of the song was ironic for the song she wanted since we dated 10 years before we got married. Heck, she had her own apartment when I was a sophmore in highschool:)

Probably another reason I never practiced!!

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Reading these threads has taken me back in time. There are certain songs I will never forget as I was growing up because they represented a sign of the times. Some of them are:
'Eve Of Destruction', 'Ballad Of The Green Berets', 'Blowing In The Wind', 'The Times They Are A'Changing', etc.

I like all music with the exception of rap; just doesn't do anything for me.

Yeh, the old "Eve of Destruction". I think a guy named Barry Mcquire sung that. That and "In the Year 2525", remember that one.
Funny thing is, you could play them now, and they would be just as current.:rolleyes:
The more things change, the more things stay the same.
One that gets me is how "we" all complain about how kids dress. I can remember the girls in my High School having to walk by the height gage to see if their mini skirts were too short.
I, personally, could never see the problem.......jackie
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