FAKE NRWS 5500 fps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi All:

With all of the fake news around today, I thought that I would add this giggle.

Today I introduced myself to a person who is starting a gun shop and will be offering full time gunsmithing services near my home.

He offers his two best offerings in wildcats based on the Winchester .30 Short Magnum case. The one is a 6.5 caliber and the other is a .30 caliber. Now what makes this so outstanding is that he claims to get 5500 fps. with both rounds! Upon more discussion, he informed me that these speeds are possible due to "new" powders that ae now available. Barrel life in both are in the thousands of rounds! However he is presently shooting a 6.5X47 Lapua for his ling distance kills, over 800 yards!

I offered to chronograph his loads some time but he assured me that his chronograph was indeed very accurate and it would not be necessary for me to do anything. I do not think that I will have him do any work for me! Lol

FAKE NEWS circa 1961: A local gunsmith was touting his .264 Polaris Magnum that was so fast that it did not start to drop until the bullet had passed 300 yards. It was nothing more than an improved .264 Winchester Magnum. He did not stay in business very long! Lol

Be well my friends,


I've heard that our Abrams Tank shoots a sabot round in the area of 5,000 feet and heard the german WW2 Big Bertha cannon used to shell Paris fired its round at over 4500 FPS ? But no doubt that gunsmith you mentioned isn't playing with a full deck