Fairfax Winter league 2-gun championships

Hal D.

New member
At the Fairfax Rod&Gun club, we have been hosting a series of Winter League matches for a number of years, and this year we are adding a new dimension to the series. We are going to have a 2-Gun Varmint For Score Championship.

To compete in the 2-Gun, simply complete two IBS Entry forms, enter each gun in the appropriate category and let the Match Director know during sign up to enter you in the 2-Gun Challenge.

2-Gun rules: At least one gun must be LV compliant, and the second rifle must meet HV requirements. Two LV's, or a HV and a LV are OK, but not 2 heavies. You must shoot 2 different rifles. I know there are dozens of PPC's out there that are just dying to get out and shoot some score matches. Remember, Hunter and Varmint Hunter rifles also fall into the LV class...and you could throw any power scope on top.

Each mach in the Winter league will be shot at 200, which really brings the 6mm's into play. At 200, its not about X's as much as staying clean. I plan on shooting a 6ppc in the light class all through the winter.

All matches are IBS sanctioned and follow IBS rules. Here are the rules regarding the factory guns...

Factory Class: Mass produced guns, just as the gun came from the store. Must be loaded one round at a time.
Modified Factory: If anything has been modified on a factory gun. Must be loaded one round at a time.

At the conclusion of each match, we will recognize winners in HVFS, LVFS, FAC, and Mod-FAC. We are also proposing a "Money Pot" for the shooters that wish to compete in the 2-gun. At the conclusion of the Winter league, we always recognize a Grand Agg champ, which is composed of the shooters best 4 out of 5 matches. The same would go for the 2 gun championship. In the hopes of getting some of you guys to bring out another rifle, we would like each 2-gun competitor that wishes to compete in the year end Grand, to pony up an extra $20 (although this number isn't set in stone) per match. If you do the math, you will see that a mere 10 shooters could have the "Pot" up at $1000 for the Grand. Every penny would be paid back to the shooters, with payout's for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Of course, the more shooters we get, the better the payouts and possibilities of more places paying.

Match #1 is Nov. 16
Match #2 is Dec. 14
Matches 3,4,5 have yet to be set, but the dates will be posted soon.

Hope to see you at the Range,

Hal Drake
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Are you disqualified from shooting:D

We'll all be competing for 2nd and 3rd...well, I won't be, but at least the good shooters will be...Maybe one of the other fine shooters will be able to give Hal a run for the money...I'll try and hang in there for a match or two before I'm out of the running!

I'm looking forward to the two gun...might even shoot a factory too if I can get it working...

Would a flat fore-end adapter be legal for the winter match on my factory-modified?
Rem vs Sav

Will be interesting allright.....nice and windy.

Are you in the F-mod this time?

I am - I'm gonna try hard to not let your Rem kick the stink out of my Salvage.
