F Class Ranges in Wa.State?

From the WSRPA.Net site at http://www.wsrpa.net/cgi-bin/index.pl?id=2979&isa=Newsitem&op=show
Info for those looking for F-Class matches in Washington...

From time to time, we get contacted by people looking for F-Class matches here in Washington state. Usually the comment is something along the lines of 'there are NO F-Class matches listed in Washington'. Here's a little hint for you...

There are dozens of F-Class matches every year! Probably more than you can find time and money to go to! Some weekends it comes down to where *you* want to go, as there can be multiple matches on a given weekend.

Where are all these matches, that people seem to have trouble finding them?

They are right there in the High Power Rifle schedule.

Remember, F-Class is a sub-class of NRA High Power. (Emphasis mine) Almost any match explicitly marked 'Prone' or 'Palma' in the schedule is open to F-Class as well. Right now, there are plenty of F-Class shooters, but they tend to be kind of scattered out and in order to have a decent sized match... it ends up being a combination of conventional Prone shooters and F-Class shooters.

Another thing to keep in mind is that many clubs/ranges have a general rule of having to have at least 5 competitors in a class for $$$ awards. Less than 5 F-Classers... probably not going to have awards in F-Class. 4 Open class shooters and 3 TR shooters... probably just going to have one big 'F-Class', rather than breaking it down further. That's just the way it works!

Hope this helps explain things!

We're working on the state High Power schedule in general right now, and should have something out pretty soon for at least the first part of 2008. Life being what it is, it didn't get done by 01/01, and some of the clubs haven't turned in their schedules yet, etc. etc.

In short, we're working on it. Once it's published, the notes that Asa posted will apply.

If you have any particular questions on ranges, equipment, etc. feel free to send me a PM or email.

Monte Milanuk

WSRPA Secretary & F-Class representative
F Class in Wa.

I suggest that if worse comes to worse try the BCRA,they shoot quite a bit of F Class.You may want to consider the BC Provincial match(Aug,1-4) in Chilliwak,300,400,500 600 meters with paid pullers.Will