F-class plot sheets



I got looking around the net for plot sheets and couldn't find exactly what I wanted so I created my own. Their like Larry Meddler's design with some changes. Being new to f-class i needed the scoring system shown on the sheets. 6 sheets with scoring and 6 sheets with the optional scoring systems.


Hope some of you can make use of them.
Thanks for the great site and all the great info provided here!

Rick Elliott

Very nice!

I've played around using Larry's Excel spreadsheets as a starting point as well. After using them, I'm about to just remove the areas for the windage/elevation plots, as I just don't find myself using them very much, even at places where I can/do shoot pair fire (couple times a year). I think I'm going to just enlarge the main plot, and possibly the shot call boxes - those are more important to me personally.

Something to consider on the ones with the value marker positions on the plot sheet... there is a new 'alternative' scorying system in use as of 2007 that it seems like more ranges are moving towards... it's pretty easy once you get used to it, but very much different from the traditional one. Just thought you might want to know, in case you come across a range that uses it.

Good work,



Thanks. I considered getting rid of the bottom and side plot areas and replacing them with elevation and windage tables for my rifles. I also considered using blank tables that a shooter could fill in with his data but thought it would be a waste of time since most have either data books created or are using PDA's or computer printouts.

I thought I had the scoring system covered. The 600 yd "a" is the traditional scoring system and the 600 yd "b" was the optional scoring system. Is there a third? I'm VERY NEW to F-Class so if I missed something PLEASE let me know.

Thanks again for the great site. Seems I'm compelled to check in here numerous times a day so I don't miss learning what this place has to offer.


I apologize; I misread your original post. For some reason I thought you had one with no scoring values on it, and one with the original scoring values positions. When I downloaded and opened up a couple of the files, apparently I opened the ones with the traditional X-10-9 (left to right) scoring positions. My mistake on that! Again, the sheets do look great.

Thanks Monte

No need to apologize. Glad you took the time to check em out.

I'm old and easily confused and thought I missed something in the rulebook. Thanks for the clarification.
