Extraction problems 6/284... Finally found out what was the problem @#%&*&%#@ !!!!


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Extraction problems 6/284... Finally found out what was the problem @#%&*&%#@ !!!!

As long as I had this bbl I had extraction problem. Were my loads to hot,improper sizing or fire forming ? I took the rifle to a different gunsmith he inserted a "Go no go chamber guage" Bolt wouldn't close on chamber . New gunsmith said "Former gunsmith didn't run the chamber reamer in far enough ! " I'd load and shoot light loads for a while ,put rifle away and shoot some thing else for a while . Then pick this rifle up and have same problem ! . Anyway had the bad chamber job done two years ago,he also missed the timing on the muzzle brake " Gun wrecker charged me big bucks for chamber job . Should I call him up and ask for refund ? He isn't a professional gunsmith ,only does it on side for his friends.He was recommended to me by one of his friends. I don't want this guy touching my guns again.
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If he's doing that kind of work for his "friends"....well, I guess I wouldn't want to be on his bad side....
Mr. Worker.
No, you should not ask for your money back, you learned a valuable lesson that will not be forgotten soon, always engage a professional qualified Gunsmith, if you knew this person was not professional before hand it is your own fault, lick your wounds and move on.
What you did is no different than having the shade tree mechanic down the street work on your vehicle and then complaining when it's not right.
By taking work to these wannabe Gunsmiths you deprive the real professionals of work they are trained and in business to do, I see examples of this sort of work on a regular basis at my shop and no longer take these projects as the damage has to be repaired then the work performed again.
Gunsmithing and horse shoeing are the only business I know of that a person can wake up one morning and instantly they are in business with no prerequisites required, the Feds issue the FFL qualifications to any one that applies they are then in business.

Tommy Leroy Johnson.
Professional Gunsmith.
I'm going to forgive and forget

Noap will not be complaining to that gunsmith ! Now I have a real gunsmith making things right ,and yes I have learned a valuable lesson .
Mr. Worker.
No, you should not ask for your money back, you learned a valuable lesson that will not be forgotten soon, always engage a professional qualified Gunsmith, if you knew this person was not professional before hand it is your own fault, lick your wounds and move on.
What you did is no different than having the shade tree mechanic down the street work on your vehicle and then complaining when it's not right.
By taking work to these wannabe Gunsmiths you deprive the real professionals of work they are trained and in business to do, I see examples of this sort of work on a regular basis at my shop and no longer take these projects as the damage has to be repaired then the work performed again.
Gunsmithing and horse shoeing are the only business I know of that a person can wake up one morning and instantly they are in business with no prerequisites required, the Feds issue the FFL qualifications to any one that applies they are then in business.

Tommy Leroy Johnson.
Professional Gunsmith.

I've seen "qualified gunsmiths" screw stuff up and do half a$$ work...

I'm sure there is way more to the OP than what is stated. There are always two sides to a story...

As long as I had this bbl I had extraction problem. Were my loads to hot,improper sizing or fire forming ? I took the rifle to a different gunsmith he inserted a "Go no go chamber guage" Bolt wouldn't close on chamber . New gunsmith said "Former gunsmith didn't run the chamber reamer in far enough ! " I'd load and shoot light loads for a while ,put rifle away and shoot some thing else for a while . Then pick this rifle up and have same problem ! . Anyway had the bad chamber job done two years ago,he also missed the timing on the muzzle brake " Gun wrecker charged me big bucks for chamber job . Should I call him up and ask for refund ? He isn't a professional gunsmith ,only does it on side for his friends.He was recommended to me by one of his friends. I don't want this guy touching my guns again.
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How does a short chamber cause extraction problems?
W-W reamer

The original gunsmith used a W-W Reamer instead of a reamer for Lupua/Norma brass . Also there was a pressure ring around the shoulder of the brass ,he found it by placing a straight edge up against the fired case that contained a moderate to hot load.
The original gunsmith used a W-W Reamer instead of a reamer for Lupua/Norma brass . Also there was a pressure ring around the shoulder of the brass ,he found it by placing a straight edge up against the fired case that contained a moderate to hot load.

So basically the first smith cut the chamber correctly?

The original gunsmith used a W-W Reamer instead of a reamer for Lupua/Norma brass . Also there was a pressure ring around the shoulder of the brass ,he found it by placing a straight edge up against the fired case that contained a moderate to hot load.

If by this you mean there is a bulge on the case body wall near the shoulder junction then you are onto a possible cause for extraction problems, and the appropriate fix would be a re-cut of the chamber and at the proper depth.
New chamber

If by this you mean there is a bulge on the case body wall near the shoulder junction then you are onto a possible cause for extraction problems, and the appropriate fix would be a re-cut of the chamber and at the proper depth.

Don that's exactly what the present gunsmith did . Gave him the rifle 2/13 and picked up today . Maybe shoot it tomorrow .
I have a question. How is it possible to cut a chamber with a reamer and get a bulge deeper in the chamber or in this case near the shoulder? I can understand getting a bulge at the rear near base but not forward. With some kind of a boring bar I can understand but not with a reamer. I only ask this because I am confused:confused: as to how this can happen.

Thanks Chet
I don't know

But what I do know is 100% of previous extraction problems are gone. Rifle functions flawlessly now.with its re-cut chamber.
But what he is saying is that now that youre using the correct brass for your chamber it works as intended.
Hello Worker I am not saying that your chamber did not have a bulge. I am glad for you that you got the extraction problem fixed and all is now working as it should. What I am asking is what kind of an error has to be made to have a reamer cut a forward bulge?

Have a nice day Chet:D
Hello Worker I am not saying that your chamber did not have a bulge. I am glad for you that you got the extraction problem fixed and all is now working as it should. What I am asking is what kind of an error has to be made to have a reamer cut a forward bulge?

Have a nice day Chet:D

Swarf build up/compaction in the reamer flutes at the shoulder/neck junction most likely due to lack of periodic cleaning of the reamer during the chambering process, and possibly poor lubrication of the reamer during chambering causing poor swarf flow.
Don's explanation

Don's explanation sounds feasible . Dusty was I ever using incorrect brass ? Gunsmith never said" this is a W-W reamer" he cut the chamber with . When we first talked he did ask me" What brand brass, Norma or Lupua " ? I told him" lupua". I've never been able to get W-W brass nor did i ever search for any. He did tell me it was a tight chamber and just be sure to turn your necks. I did and it didn't fix anything. Any way that's all history.I've found a great load that I'll be shooting for the life of the bbl. 52.5grs of Re#22 105 A-Max .020 off the lands. New gunsmith said If I shoot lighter bullets than 105s it will shorten barrel life . I wanted to shoot 87gr V-Maxs also.
I have a question. How is it possible to cut a chamber with a reamer and get a bulge deeper in the chamber or in this case near the shoulder? I can understand getting a bulge at the rear near base but not forward. With some kind of a boring bar I can understand but not with a reamer. I only ask this because I am confused:confused: as to how this can happen.

Thanks Chet

Reamer loading up will cause this.......