Ellis Hamilton


Bob Pekaar

I'm sorry to let you know that Ellis Hamilton of Lakeland, Florida has left the range. He was a great shooter and sportsman and one of the finest people I know.His love for the shooting sports, including IR 50/50 was well known. My condolances to the family.
Bob Pekaar
So sorry to hear about Ellis.. He was a great contributor to our sport and a true Southern Gentleman.. Both Pat and I will miss him greatly..
Our condolences to his family..

Dave and Pat Smith
Keith Gantt and I went to a centerfire match in Lakeland. It was an IBS match and went pretty good until it was over. Everybody just packed up and went home - skipped the awards ceremony entirely!!! There were three folks left at the range...Keith, myself and Ellis Hamilton. Ellis told us that they would send us our trophies in time and all was well. Sure enough, in about six months we got our trophies! That was the first of many times I would run into Ellis. He was always willing to say he would do most anything within reason....and as I remember...some things that were not reasonable. Ellis had a buddy in crime but I don't remember who that was.

I've already missed Ellis somewhat and am saddened quite a bit by his passing....
Prayers for the family!

Sorry to hear of Ellis' passing...he was a great competitor and a friend to all. The sport will truly miss him.
I had the pleasure of shooting with Ellis once over a weekend at the IR Nationals, and as everyone is saying, he was a true gentleman. He will be missed.

Dave Shattuck
Very sorry hear of the loss of a fellow shooter. My sincere condolences go out to his friends, and family.

Kent Owens