Eley Match velocity vs 5-shot group size


Active member
A question for the experienced benchrest shooters. Is there a particular pattern with Eley match where certain velocities yield tighter 5-shot groups at 50 yards? Also, can you comment on the machines used to produce the various lots of Eley Match? Do any particular machines have a reputation for tighter groups, or more accurate shooting in ARA?

Appreciate any thoughts on the subject as I just took ownership of a new 2500X/Shilen/B&A rifle and am in the process of testing the tuner, and ready to start doing some ammo testing.


It is a crap shoot... Different rifles like different velocities, and sometimes the same velocity in different groups shoot different/// Buy several different lot number, shoot it and the buy what shoots best, IF it is still available,, It is called the "GREAT AMMO CHASE"..
It is a crap shoot... Different rifles like different velocities, and sometimes the same velocity in different groups shoot different/// Buy several different lot number, shoot it and the buy what shoots best, IF it is still available,, It is called the "GREAT AMMO CHASE"..

Thanks Dave. Can you tell me how you test a lot of ammo? Do you shoot 5-shot groups and the lot with the tightest group is what you go with? Or, do you shoot a target, score it and take the lot with the highest target score?

Something like that?

Thanks very much!

For what its worth

I fire 3 shot grps to start the test of a new lot. If it looks good I will shot and score a ARA target.
If I like the lot I give sample to two friends, have them shot it. If their tests concur with my results
I order. At this point there may not be very much available. When ELY had the ANALIZER I would pick
ten lots and test from that.