Eley Club EPS



So with Ammo prices continuing to rise it seems like fewer and fewer are buying the top shelf more are backing off a notch.

Some will continue to pay top dollar for the Tenex.

But I suspect a bunch of Tenex users will buying Black Box.
Will more of the Black Box users be experimenting with Eley Club?

Frankly I think most of us are going to seach for the most cost effective ammo, but I don't think anyone wants to give up a single 100 to do it. In todays matchs a crazy shot or two will kill your finish. We have some of the best ammo thats ever been made, but can you afford it?

I'll buy whatever I think is going to make me competetive, but try the second shelf stuff first and if it gets to the point I can't afford it, I'll quite and find something else to do.

With all that said, what kind of performance and consistancy are any of you getting that have experimented with the Eley Club EPS...seems like alot more interest in this stuff.

You could always take another step down to Eley Target Rifle and come play with us silhouette shooters. ;) It's more than enough round for that game, but, you'll enter the picture more yourself, of course. I've actually been wanting to try the Club Xtra EPS, but haven't found any locally yet.
Charlie, 90 percent of what i shot last year was black box, and continue to do so at this present time. IMHO the consistency varies from lots, but so does the red box. Will be testing Club Extra this weekend to see for myself how it stacks up to the black box.

Take Care,

Club Extra

Last fall before it got cold in alaska, I shot in practice a 250 17x and a 249 15x with the club extra, 1007-04094/1070, i have a safe full of the ammo, my barrel likes it, yours may not.
I shot some Club EPS last year and it shot very well in my 40X. I'm hoping to get some for this year and start testing soon. The 1070, 1072 and 1050 all shot good.

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EPS ammo

Last year at Winnsboro, La., at the 2008 Southern RF Silhouette Nationals, Zanders was there selling ammo. Seems they come every year with some "special" ammo for sale.

That year it was Eley CLub Extra NOT MARKED EPS, but with the EPS bullet. There story was that it was 10X EPS that for some reason failed to meet Eley's expectations. There was an assortment of lots and velocities and I bought 4 cases of the 1051 speed from lot #1007-04048.

My expectations were so-so, but at $450/case, it seemed hard to go wrong considering the EPS bullet and I was in need of more ammo. Well, I have not been disapointed as it shoots VERY WELL in everything I have tried it in from a Suhl BR gun to a Anschutz 1712, to a BRNO #4. So well that I have bought 2 more cases at $500/case in September at the Arkansas State Championship still not marked EPS and the same speed, but lot # 0007-04098.

From what I have heard in the Silhouette community, this is shooting as well or better than most 10X EPS.

I really suggest you buy it and give it a try, although supposedly the stuff I bought was a slightly different ammo.

Thanks for the info guys......I just bought my ammo for the upcoming season which is Eley Match EPS but I might start getting test lots of the Club though in the future.

I got this email today from the folks that I bought the last Club EPS from.

Hi Ron,

There is currently none in stock. Some more will be here in March the last
100 case shipment sold in less than a day. I doubt test lots will be
available, however we can try to get a certain velocity.

Price on the next shipment will be $610 plus shipping per case.

Good Shooting,

Club Xtra EPS

I beleive it shoots very well considering the price. David Kenimer is shooting club extra eps in his Hall. He shot a 250 22x, 249 21x, and a 250 21x last week at Rocky River Benchrest Barn in RBA unlimited. Most folks don't shoot that well with Tenex or Match, so I think its capable!