Eley Biathlon



How is Eley Biathlon Labeled? Does it include a velocity? And has anyone chronographed any lately and knows how accurate the label velocity is compared to the velocity that is measured? Are there different Speeds available?

Thanks .... Fred
I don't think it is in their current product line. I still have the last I was able to buy, it shoots well in my Benchmark barrel. It was boxed with a blue label and says Biathlon EPS. Different speeds were available, I tested several lots. I have no idea how the measured velocity compares to the label, and even if I had info it would probably not be of use to you in determining anything.

If you find a source let me know, I'd like to test some more.

Hey Ben ...

Yeah I know they dropped it .... I'm not looked for a quantity of it .... what I need is something that shoots chronographed around 1085-1090 ... need about 2 bricks. (12 boxes at least)

Thanks .... Fred
Most of the Eley Biathlon I have shot was in the 1063 to 1076fps range I believe. This ammo was awesome. Some say it was too fast, but I don't know. The stuff shot probably better than any other ammo in my Suhl barrel, and my Benchmark barrel as well. I shot the smallest 5 shot group I've ever shot with the Benchmark barrel that Gene Davis put on my Suhl last year with this ammo. The 1st group below is it. Outside to outside measured .280 at the widest point. I deducted .204 for bullet diameter. It looks even smaller viewing it in person. ;)

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If you can find that lot number in the attachment, I'll guarantee it to shoot.



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I believe any good barrel will know good ammo when it shoots it. ;)

That's why all the great lots of Eley are bought up faster than you and I can usually get to them.
You take any random lot of Tenex, and any random gun, and you will get random results. The fact that you've found a lot that shoots good in a gun of yours is meaningless to anyone else, because there is no telling how it will shoot in any other gun. You could have found the absolute most consistent lot of ammunition ever produced, but if the bullet's a poor match for the bore in question, everything goes out the window. The only thing that ammunition X in gun Y tells you is how ammuntion X shoots in gun Y. How ammunition X is going to shoot in gun Z is an unknown until you actually shoot it in gun Z. You can indeed prove that ammunition X is capable of giving consistent performance, given the observation of its results from gun Y. But you cannot prove that ammunition X will be that good in any gun. Even if gun Z is also a proven performer with the right ammo, that does not in any way, shape, or form mean that ammunition X is going to also shoot well in gun Z. It is not an absolute. Each and every barrel is an island unto itself.

So, like I said, in your gun.
Hi guys,

I need this ammo for a specfic test that I'd like to try. My main question is more about the velocity of Biathlon rather than it's accuracy. I'm looking for something that will chronograph somehwere above 1075fps .... the closer to 1085fps the better ... or even higher. :eek:

Thanks ... Fred
Fred, if my memory serves me, I think crono results of Eley was about 20fps higher than what is listed on the box label. I think the testing was done on this forum last summer. You ought to be able to get 2007 Biathlon from Gene Davis or the other guy(?), I've got a few boxes that are listed at 1083. I think Biathlon is all pretty much higher speed, by your post it sounds like you must have Biathlon; but could you use Match or Tenex that had the velocity you desire? Thanks, Douglas
Hey Doug,

It doesn't have to be Biathlon .... what I need is ammo that actually shoots fast. (as close to 1085 as possible) I've shot some Black Box that showed "higher speeds" on the box but when chronographed did not always show higher "measured" speeds. And I know it's not the chronograph or how I am set up or using it.

I've heard that Biathlon generally shoots faster than Black or Red Box ... that's the only reason I'm asking about it.

I have some Black Box that is labelled at 1047 and measures 1049-1052 on the average partially down range and I need something that measures 1080-1085 or so.

Eley Biathlon is good

I found a batch of Eley Biathlon that worked really well in my barrel. I was looking for something with good consistency which I could use in prone-practice and not having to worry about distant flyers.

This particular batch of Biathlon shows statistical values which was better then any of the tenex-lots I had tested in my barrel during 2007. The reason for this is that Eley Biathlon is unsorted Tenex (normaly they produce Tenex from the five machines and sort away the ammo that doesnt stand the quality test and label it Match) but here they just decide to run a Biathlon-batch and dosn´t sort it. If you are lucky you can find a lot that has tenex-characteristics (or better) for a much better price.

Unfortunately Eley has decided to remove it from their 2008-program. Maybe they werent making enough money of it? Just my guess...I still have some 15000 shots left though so Im set for 2008:)

Attached is a statistical draft from my ammo-analysis. Standard-deviation and variation-coefficient (for exit-velocity) is lower then for the Tenex-lots I tested.. The graph was introduced in order to try to determine any connections between exit-veliocity and ammo-weight. I have found no such connection for the Eley-ammo. The Lapua-ammo however is a different story...it could be worth while to sort your good Lapua-ammo (Midas, Master, Biathlon:)


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Thanks Sanglen,

If I'm reading this right the speed on the ammo was 1074 and what you chronographed was between 330.6 and 334.3 meters/second which is 1084 to 1096 feet/second ... is that correct?

Did you by chnace chrono any other lots?

Thanks ... Fred
yea that right, I was averageing about 1085 to 1090for that lot. Which of course is highly dependent on the barrel you use.

I "chrono" all my lots looking for small exit-velocity deviations in combination with small round groups. I havn´t tried any other Eley Biathlon yet, got lucky and found a good batch that workes well for me at the moment.

On the tests I have done the last 5 months it has been fairly easy to identify the flyers as shoots with a deviating exit-velocity, I would probably contribute 85-90% of my flyers to inconsistent group-velocity...and the rest...yea well...Im getting a concentricity-gague this spring, since I have a feeling that that might do the trick...let you know in 6 months:)
I thought it was generally agreed that any inconsistency in concentricity was taken care of by a tight match chamber anyway.
Im getting a concentricity-gague this spring, since I have a feeling that that might do the trick...let you know in 6 months:)
Fred, my memory isn't the best so I did a search and it was you who did the chronograph testing last May. I know you do a lot of experimenting, different things; I take my hat off to you, you have more ambition than most folks. I'm not being a smart ass, just curious, what are you trying to accomplish this time?

PS: pretty sure you can get all the Biathlon you want from the usual suspects. Thanks, Douglas
there is only one thing I can say about the Eley Biathlon that I have shot - shoots good when it goes off. I average 4 misfires per 100 - but the ones that fire drive tacks - just alittle disconcerning in a match to hear that click.
you all have a good day now - missing - cdpersons
Douglas ...

Not sure about the ambitiuous .... there are those that would say I have too much time on my hands ... but Thanks

What I'm testing is this ... I'm sure everyone has been reading about the Calfee method of finding the correct tuner weight by shooting two ammos with different velocities and getting them to group into a single group.

Well that one made me "bite" and I was trying to figure out some way that I could increment my tuner in small weight intervals so I could test it out. Well I'm no machinist but a friend of mine Roger Von Ahrens is .... so I asked Rog if he could make me this "thing" that I described. He says sure. Couple of hours later he calls me back and says .... I've been thinking about that tuner with incremental weights that you asked me for .... well I think I mught have something in mind that works better .... and he sure did.

I got the first prototype and can't wait to get my hands on the ammo that I need to test it out .... Here's a picture of it ... it goes on the end of a Harrell Tuner ... first you add a 1 oz adapter and then you have weights that weigh 5, 3, 2 ,1 and 1/2 ounce. That lets you increment your tuner from 9 ounces all the way up to 20.5 in 1/2 ounce incerments. You don't even need tools cause they screw together. Not only that, but they look nice enough to use them full time on your rifle once you find the right weight.

Here's a picture of one ....

What is the length and contour of your barrel? Just curious. If it's an .850-.875 diameter and between 24-26" long I got a feeling about 15 ozs. total weight will work well once it's dialed in. Keep us updated on how the experiment goes. Good luck.
Hey Kent ....

This one is 25" long and is a straight taper measuring .903" .... I'm thinking somewhere around 16 ounces.
