Ed Hartman

We were the same age and our birthdays are in the same month, he was married to Carol, (that was not her real name). I will miss him! I met him in 1977.
Sorry to get this news and,

Condolences to Carol Jean and family. We camped next to Ed and Carol a few times in the '90's while at the super Shoot. Fun couple and Ed was a tough, focused competitor.

Quick story...A few weeks after a Super Shoot I called Ed one evening and Carol told me he couldn't come to the phone. Said he was on a very important assignment...he was on their deck with a flashlight and .22 dispatching a family of skunks that took up under their wood deck. Evidently this skunk family had lived there for some time and Ed hadn't bothered them until one gave him a squirt when he chased it away from the dog food. Now, he later told me, it was war!

Ed was a big man with a big heart...RIP Ed, we are diminished by your absence.
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I first met Ed in 1989 at an NBRSA Shoot in Johnson City Tennessee. I had just bought an old Cadillac brown rifle built years earlier by Fred Sinclair. Old gun, old brass with split necks. Ed helped me make new brass.

At that shoot we had 64 shooters. Last shoot there we had 13.

I’ll miss Ed. Many of us will!

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Very sad to hear this. Ed was a good fellow and as mentioned...a fierce Benchrest competitor! Unlike some others, he came to win first and associate secondly. Was pretty darn good at both!
Sorry to hear of the loss to so many of his friends and his family. Never met him before but I now know who he was and what he meant to those who had and may he rest in peace
Ed was @ first shoot I attended,, @ Buccaneer , near Wilmington. Ed was friend and great competitor.
Prayers for Ms. Carol.
I have shot many many matches w/Ed, As Dave Tooley said ,, nothing but fond memories.
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