Economy. Retail Sales Are BOOMING!



Or so they say on the radio this morning. I'm riding to work today after spending my thousands online last night (this morning) and to what to my wondering ears does appear, but a report of retail sales BOOMING.

WAIT A MINUTE. I thought the economy was in the tank? How is this possible. Everyone in America is loosing their homes and if they do have a house, can't afford to heat it. I know all this cause I've read the news and it says so. That's confirmed by watching the news on TV which agrees. It must be consumer confidence. Perhaps their speculation that the economy will rebound so they go spend money like it's free.

Didn't Jackie in another thread just mention something about being confused also. He's woefully unaware of the horrible economic situation also, and if I remember correctly, said something like, "It must not have reached us here..." or something similar.

EhhhhYuUUPP. If they tell us on the news the economy is bad, it's bad. Now they say it's good, let's see if we all get raises or someting!

Now what I find really funny is, I worked late last night and I got home rather early this AM. I've been waiting for Black Friday to buy a new TV. At FOUR THIRTY AM, NewEgg's web site was DOWN. Amazon was slow. Circuit City and Best Buy's sites both left me with blank pages at least one time. Now, wth? Am I supposed to reason from this that all the economy down talk I've heard is for real? Now, I admit, I'm on the east coast so it was only 1:30am in CA and well, I guess since we all paid for the fires out there, they have extra cash to spend now!

Obviously, I don't understand the US Economy and how quickly it changes.

Paint more pretty pictures for me. I went to the mall today and there wasn't much action there. My brother in law manages that particular mall and we talked last night during Turkey Dinner; he states that vacant retail space is increasing and customer visits are way below projected numbers.

Perhaps the mall mobbs have placed their shopping sprees on hold.

Howdy Mike,

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

Hey, just cause a store isn't full of walk-in customers, doesn't mean it's not selling a lot. Yes, Brick and Mortar stores are probably easier to get around, but lots of business is done on the internet too. Think of how much more you purchase online now than you did 10 years ago and it might explain why parking lots are not jammed. I spent plenty and I never left home.
Or so they say on the radio this morning. I'm riding to work today after spending my thousands online last night (this morning) and to what to my wondering ears does appear, but a report of retail sales BOOMING.

WAIT A MINUTE. I thought the economy was in the tank? How is this possible. Everyone in America is loosing their homes and if they do have a house, can't afford to heat it. I know all this cause I've read the news and it says so. That's confirmed by watching the news on TV which agrees. It must be consumer confidence. Perhaps their speculation that the economy will rebound so they go spend money like it's free.

Didn't Jackie in another thread just mention something about being confused also. He's woefully unaware of the horrible economic situation also, and if I remember correctly, said something like, "It must not have reached us here..." or something similar.

EhhhhYuUUPP. If they tell us on the news the economy is bad, it's bad. Now they say it's good, let's see if we all get raises or someting!

Now what I find really funny is, I worked late last night and I got home rather early this AM. I've been waiting for Black Friday to buy a new TV. At FOUR THIRTY AM, NewEgg's web site was DOWN. Amazon was slow. Circuit City and Best Buy's sites both left me with blank pages at least one time. Now, wth? Am I supposed to reason from this that all the economy down talk I've heard is for real? Now, I admit, I'm on the east coast so it was only 1:30am in CA and well, I guess since we all paid for the fires out there, they have extra cash to spend now!

Obviously, I don't understand the US Economy and how quickly it changes.,8599,1862743,00.html?xid=feed-rss-netzero

"The Black Friday shopping frenzy was palpable in midtown Manhattan on Friday as dozens of clothing retailers touted their "door buster" sales of 50% or more off everything from diamond jewelry to cotton hoodies. Crowds even broke one of the doors at Macy's Men's Store. That paled in comparison to the death of a Wal-Mart worker in Long Island who reportedly got trampled to death by bargain hunters. But by mid-morning on 34th Street, many stores were half empty and some sales staff said they had noticed that shoppers were holding back this year. (Looking for the perfect Black Friday purchase? See TIME's list of the 10 best gift ideas.)

"It's slower. They're not buying the big stuff," said a sales person at Macys flagship store in Herald Square, who asked not to be named. A $400 diamond bracelet had been marked down to $99, but there were more sales people standing near it than customers. Instead, shortly after 7 a.m., a crowd was hovering around a display of costume jewelry priced at $9.99 each. "
As for 4Mesh and all his joy at the good Christmas sales . . . I would hold off from popping the champaigne corks too soon.

I'd been hearing via the news media that merchants are worried, and that sales may be quite down.

Now, mind you -- I don't know -- nor does anyone.

I HOPE they are up -- but it is too soon to pour the bubbly.

I live in California and the only thing that is selling out here are guns.You simply can't get one.

The housing market dropped 35% which means property tax revenue will tank next year.Our vehicle registration is tripling under Arnold and come April 15th everybody will be writing off there stock losses on there taxes.All of this means next year will be even worse.We aren't close to rock bottom yet.