Eck smithed 2500X shoots a 250-25x


Congratulations Mike Kuklis on your 250-25x yesterday at Tuckertown BR Barn on the way to your 1000-86x win.
I guess adding that Pappas slider definitely didn't hurt anything.
Let's hope you can carry it the 30 minutes down the road to Rocky River for next months ARA.


Congratulations Mike Kuklis on your 250-25x yesterday at Tuckertown BR Barn on the way to your 1000-86x win.
I guess adding that Pappas slider definitely didn't hurt anything.
Let's hope you can carry it the 30 minutes down the road to Rocky River for next months ARA.



Wow ! That's a great target !!!!!!!!!!!

Looks better then any old 5 shot group....
Is This Target as Good as it Gets?

To answer my own question....pretty darn close! Matching precision with accuracy to this level is extremely rare and you'll be incredibly lucky to see more than a handful of targets that equal this one.

Let's look at the target again and I hope everyone realizes just how exceptional it is. Any ARA shooter knowing the approximate diameter of the inner scoring ring would be drooling on his rifle after perusing it thru his scope after finishing. The vast majority of rimfire BR competitors will never have the pleasure of shooting a target like this.


Mike Kuklis is the owner of the rifle, the smith is Gordon Eck, and the build used Jerry Stiller's 2500X action.
It appears to me that Mike, Gordon, and Jerry make a potent combination in regards to building and shooting a world class rifle!

After Jeff (frey) posted it on RFC and BRC, I looked at it and my first thought was: Wow, that's incredible!
My second thought was: Would a closer examination of the target reveal what were sure to be some very impressive statistics and would it allow me to make some comparisons proving just how good it was?

My curiosity got the best of me and I contacted Mike to see if it would be possible for him to scan the target at a reasonably high resolution and make it probable for me to keep the measurement uncertainties for plotting the shots under a few thousandths of an inch.
Mike seemed to be as curious as I was and sent me the scan for analysis. Thanks Mike!

The following screenshot is from the OnTarget TDS software and the ATC, ES (CTC), width, and height of the 25-shot group along with its scores on the ARA/PSL targets are pretty amazing.


How about some comparisons using visual illustrations for other well known and popular targets:

IR50 score: 250 25X

USBR score: 250 14X

For all my prone shooting buddies:

X-ring on the NRA A-23/5 Prone target

ISSF 10.4-10.9 decimal scoring rings. Keep in mind that there is a non-linear growth in dispersion for 50 yds vs 50 M and this isn't a perfect comparison, but it's close.
I'm guessing, but I think this comparison may be surprising to many of the ISSF competitors because there seems to be very few who are familiar with the correct dimensions on this target.

There is one other statistic that's interesting. If I take the 1st 5 shots on target, the 2nd 5 shots, etc....the average size of the 5-shot groups is 0.130". It's obvious I haven't analyzed every target in existence, but that's the smallest number I've ever seen for that particular statistic.

Clearly the best rimfire target I have ever seen in any discipline. What brand and rifling type of barrel is it?
Landy, thanks so much for taking the time to do the analysis of the target.

I'm glad Jeff posted the target so that everyone can see what Gordon Eck is capable of doing with one of Jerry Stillers fine 2500x actions. Gordon worked his magic and I'm just going along for the ride. I'm pretty new to rimfire benchrest and I can't tell you how much I appreciate what Gordon did for me. I hope I can drive it as well in the upcoming indoor sanctioned matches.

As far as the target, I know the target was not shot at a "big time" match, but I'm not a "big time" shooter either. This post is really to give credit where it belongs, to Gordon Eck for building such a fine rifle. Thanks to Landy's analysis the target can be put in perspective for the other disciplines so those shooters can see the capability of Gordon's rifle.

JerryH, the barrel is a 3 groove Benchmark. There is another rifle at our club with a new 3 groove Benchmark barrel that also shoots great and recently set the club record that may never be broken (the shooter who owns it is pretty darn good!). PS that is only the second target I shot after putting the Pappas slide on and it did make a difference.

Barrel Taper

Congratulations Mike
If you don't mind will you share with us the barrel taper and what ammo you used to shoot that great target. Also I am in conversation with Mr. Broome
about joining that club even though it is 3.5 hrs away from me.
Jeff Fountain
Congratulations Mike
If you don't mind will you share with us the barrel taper and what ammo you used to shoot that great target. Also I am in conversation with Mr. Broome
about joining that club even though it is 3.5 hrs away from me.
Jeff Fountain

Hi Jeff, it's a straight 0.900 taper barrel and the ammo was 2014 production Eley black box from the 2 machine.

That's a heck of a long way to come to our little club. We would be glad to have you join, but you don't need to be a member to shoot the monthly rimfire (1st Saturday) and centerfire (3rd Saturday) matches. Our matches are all about having friendly and fun competition, but we have some outstanding shooters in both disciplains. Hope to see you at a match.

More RGC info

Thank you for the reply. I have more questions about RGC and Wayne talked to me some but I think he might have been busy. If you will, please send me your contact info.
Jeff Fountain
PS-I am located in Wilmington and the IR50/50 match director for our range here.

Hi Jeff, it's a straight 0.900 taper barrel and the ammo was 2014 production Eley black box from the 2 machine.

That's a heck of a long way to come to our little club. We would be glad to have you join, but you don't need to be a member to shoot the monthly rimfire (1st Saturday) and centerfire (3rd Saturday) matches. Our matches are all about having friendly and fun competition, but we have some outstanding shooters in both disciplains. Hope to see you at a match.
