Easthampton IR 50/50 3-Gun & UL Results - 8/27



Irene held off and we had a good day of shooting. Walt Tarka took the 3-Gun agg and Penny Hadfield dominated the UL, almost pulling off a 750.

Thanks to Walt and Don for helping getting everything set-up and everyone’s help in cleaning up the range when we finished…Lori said that she’s never seen Tim push a broom!?! Hmmmm… Thanks to Penny for her assistance in scoring.

And, as always, thanks to all the fine competitors. You are a fun group of people – I had a great time.


Name Place Score X's FM
Tim Wagner 1 248 11 2
Pete Roberson 2 248 11 1
Walt Tarka 3 247 11 16

10 1/2 LB
Name Place Score X's FM
Walt Tarka 1 250 14 2
AL Hadfield 2 250 13 1
Penny Hadfield 3 248 14 2

13 1/2 LB
Name Place Score X's FM
Penny Hadfield 1 249 21 2
Walt Tarka 2 249 17 25
Don Barrett 3 248 20 1

3 Gun Agg
Name Place Score X's FM
Walt Tarka 1 746 42 247
Penny Hadfield 2 743 43 246
AL Hadfield 3 740 37 243


Unlimited 1

Name Place Score X's FM
Penny Hadfield 1 249 21 18
AL Hadfield 2 249 20 24
Don Barrett 3 249 15 19

Unlimited 2
Name Place Score X's FM
Penny Hadfield 1 250 19 3
AL Hadfield 2 249 14 3
Pete Roberson 3 249 13 21

Unlimited 3
Name Place Score X's FM
Penny Hadfield 1 250 20 4
Don Barrett 2 249 14 12
Walt Tarka 3 249 14 5

Unl Agg
Name Place Score X's FM
Penny Hadfield 1 749 60 249
AL Hadfield 2 745 51 249
Don Barrett 3 744 44 249
Good shooting all, wish I could have been there but had to work on car to get check engine light off for inspection.
Wow! Great shooting to everyone, and especially to Walt, Al and Penny on those 250's. Great scores! Sorry I wasn't there to witness it, but hopefully next match.

First, as always, thank you Michael for running these matches and feeding us. Job well done. And to Maryellen...you are spoiling us. ;)

It was a great day for some fine scores. Congratulations to Tim and Walt and especially to Wifey, great shooting.

I hear a rumor that there is going to be a special treat in store for us a the next Easthampton get-together. Stay tuned. :p
