East Texas Shoot Video

I see that he got my best side on video, the back of my head!!!!
Great job on the video, my agent will be in touch for my cut of the profits and residuals.
Mike, wish you could publish the equipment list, especially the calibers shot at the match.

Great Video. Like Gary, I would really like to see an equipment list.

Mike, you are doing a great job. Looks like a first class firing line. My Winter project is definetly going to be a 6.5x55 Ackley Imp................jackie
Mike did do a great job and I had a great time. It was worth the 6 hour drive. The West Texas Championship will be held at the Emert Ranch Range near San Angelo on Oct. 15th and is the final leg of the SOY 2010 LR Championship for Texas. Next spring Mike will host the 1st leg for the 2011 SOY Championship Series with the Utopia shoot the 2nd leg. For more info on the 2010 Oct shoot contact t.emert@wildblue.net Once again Mike a class act.
Whoever did the editing did and HD camera work did an excellent job. Its good to see more benchrest vids on youtube.
Nice Video

Nice Video! Good camera work but it just doesn't show the wind and mirage we had. It was brutal to say the least. Jackie, it was just like we shot in at New Braunfels except twice as far.
The guy in the scare shirt at about 1:43 into the video is Jason Leavelle, the shoot winner. Jason shot a nice 810 out of 1000 points. He is the winningest shooter on our circuit and is always tough to beat. He shoots a 6.5 x 284 crafted by Sam Duke. The rifle is built on a Stainless Steel Viper action and sports a Kreiger 8.5 twist barrel.
I can't think of one of our shoots that was won with anything other than a 6.5x284 in the last three or four years. There was a 6 Dasher that placed second at Utopia this year.

Very good Video. Also Nice rifles.

Shooters with out safety glasses would get a DNF on our range.
I happen to be in one of my rare good moods today so I will refrain from telling Octo and Tiny what I really think.
Mike Cockcroft
Pine Valley Benchrest Shooters ( President and only member)