Dennis Tinkham Update ? ? ?


I talk to Dennis about every other day. He is in a holding pattern right now until the swelling goes down and the pain subsides enough for the surgeons to go in and make a full evaluation the the retina and the eyeball. He thinks that should be appx. 6-8 weeks. I will tell him to look on BRC and to give everyone a complete update. Harley Baker
Eye Update

Harley was close in stating my status. The doctors don't want to touch anything in the eye right now and just want it to rest for the next two months before deciding how the get the metal projectile out of the eye orbit, whether or not the retina will detatch when scar tissue forms from the blood that was in the eye, whether or not I have enough vision left to warrent putting a lens back in the eye.

In summary, I have no clue how things are going to end up. The best I can do is try to be patient and keep my fingers crossed.

I never told any of you guys this(for obvious reasons)but when I was a teenager I used to work for a local funeral home picking up dead people from hospitals and morgues and transporting them to the funeral home so they could be cleaned up and displayed (Hey ,I needed the money, some 30 years later, nothing much has changed). So one day I was at the morgue and they needed this guys eyeballs for some reason( none of my business),so the guy there hooks around the eyes into the muscles with some type of stainless sheep hook,snips the muscles and out pops the eye,about a 5 min operation .
I got a birds eye view of the eye socket,not alot to it.Seems your doctors oughta be able to slip around your eyeball(after sufficient anesthesia)with a pair of curved tweezers and get that piece of metal out of there,so it dosn't scratch up the back of your eyeball ,But then, they're highly educated, seven figure physicians and I'm just an asshole!
Whatever the outcome Dennis,things could be worse. Some teenager in need of pocket money could be picking you up and taking you for one last ride.
Wishing you the best of luck in your recovery. We miss you
Dennis - Glad you are hanging in there. We all hope for the best outcome.

Joel - I am not sure if there is an award for "Post of the Year", but if so, you won. :D

Dennis, thanks for the update. Been prayin' for you and thinking of you every time I insert a bolt in an action. After checking the bore for obstructions, of course.

Please keep us informed; you have many friends out here who care.


Gene Beggs
Hi "Tinky",
We have been thinking about you here in St. Louis too. Hang in there, and we will see you up here for the February match.
Wonderful suggestion Joel


You continue to amaze me with the extent of your knowledge of medical issues. I don't know why the retinal surgeons in NY didn't think of using the curved tweezers. However, I would watch your back in future medical recommendations for fear of malpractice suits.