Delrin Rest Tops


Is there a difference between the Pappas delrin top and PQP delrin top, and which do you prefer? Thanks for your replies.
There is very little difference between the PQP and the Pappas. The PQP area of the delrin slider is a little more rounded where it meets the stock. Both are of the same basic design. They all fit the fulgum top adaptor. I would get whichever one you can find in stock. I think KSS may have a few of the Delrin in stock if you call them. $200 I think. Jessica can probably get you a Pappas one if you can get ahold of her.
Jerry, thanks for the reply. Contacted Jessica. She doesn't have any in stock and does not know when the materials to build more might be delivered. I checked Killough's website and it showed none in stock. However, I called to check on future availability and Dan found one in the shop. It was delivered today. Thanks.