Debt reduction?

Charles E

According to past performance data, get rid of the Republicans.

Every republican since 1980 has increased the national debt during their term in office; every Democrat has lowered it. Apparently Republicans spend just as much, but they avoid raising taxes by borrowing. Then, when payment comes due & they're out of office, they blame the other party. Cute, if you can get away with it.

Step one: Don't believe what they say, believe what they do.

Or are you the kind who ignores data? That is, you'd prefer to sacrifice a live chicken to the wind gods instead of using wind flags? (BTW, The debt chart is based on the Congressional Budget Office data, the Presidents chart from Wikipedia. You also have to stay away from extremist [either way] web sites)


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Heard on the news that Obama's approval rating is now below 40%. Scares me to death that 40% still support him!


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The Only Democrat I ever trusted was John F. Kennedy and we all know what happened to him! I think they should all be Fired, and replaced with some honest Farmers like it use to be, not millionaires that don't care squat for you and I.

Joe Salt
The reason for the big jump in Obama's first term was due to including the cost for two wars in the budget. George Bush hid this amount under "supplemental appropriations".
Debt Reduction

Reagan Term was lowering the national debt actually paying it down. Then came slick Willie, actually he inhareted it from Reagan, in his second term he had it going back up.
Its correct on the two wars. actually that had a lot to do with the debt raising.
Borrowing money to fight a war is dumb, also it's dumb to barrow money to give away. There is a lot that can be cut from the budget if the powers to be would only read the real budget.
We waste a lot of money on many things.
Food for thought....

How can we fly like eagles when we're led by a turkey?
With apologies to turkeys!
temporal correlation does not mean causation.

Statistics can be fun. Understanding what they mean is a completely different story.
Exactly right

The reason for the big jump in Obama's first term was due to including the cost for two wars in the budget.

When Bush was POTUS there was a lot of discussion of deficits and the national debt on this forum. Most of the conservatives were unconcerned at that time--in denial that the chickens would ever come home to roost. Now, conservatives have the debt issue as their poster child--pretty hilarious after the Republican Congress ran up huge deficits and greatly lowered revenues under Bush.

Remember when the Iraq war was going to be over quick and pay for itself as we tapped into their oil? Now, it's 3 trillion dollars down the rat hole. How could we have been so gullible?

Sorry, but we need to understand how we got to where we are if we ever want to "take our country back" and put us on the right track. And as Charles E said in starting this thread, we need to take it back from the Republicans.
Remember when the Iraq war

Glad you brought that up. The War in Iraq would have never happened without the 'YEA' votes of these fine folks. The democrats had control of the senate at that time and could have stopped any war in Iraq. But you conveniently forget that point.

Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)
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The democrats had control of the senate at that time and could have stopped any war in Iraq.

And you forgot that they would never have voted "Yea" had they been told the truth about weapons of mass destruction, centrifuge tubes, Yellowcake uranium, Hussein's lack of involvement in 9/11, how long it would take, how much it would cost and how it was unlikely we'd ever get any of Iraq's oil. There was no truth to be had on any of that.

If you claim the Iraq war was an initiative of the Democrats, you must also believe in the tooth fairy.
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Your chart conveniently cuts of just before the tripling of debt by Obama!

Lawrence, I am certainly not an Obama supporter, did not vote for him and would vote to impeach him if I got a chance,but, the acceleration of what Charles chart shows is spillover from the GW Bush years.
Barack claims to cut the deficit by 50%......yeah, that is compared to his own record setting spending. He has accumulated more debt in 4.5 years than all the other Presidents combined. The Obamacare alone contributes a tremendous debt of about 2.4 TRILLION dollars. The purpose of this monstrosity is to buy votes from the never-do-wells who don't buy their own insurance, food, housing or anything else....sort of like Barack. Wake up America! James
What some people seem to be ignoring... the president doesn't have the authority or responsibility for appropriating for money. Appropriations are the responsibility of Congress. While the president sends a budget request to Congress, that budget has no weight of law. Remember all the democrats giggling that President Reagan's budgets were DOA?
What some people seem to be ignoring... the president doesn't have the authority or responsibility for appropriating for money. Appropriations are the responsibility of Congress. While the president sends a budget request to Congress, that budget has no weight of law. Remember all the democrats giggling that President Reagan's budgets were DOA?

Yes, I remember Dan Rostenkowski (D) chairman of the Ways and Means Committee chortling as he made those announcements. He later was jailed on corruption charges. IIRC during the last two years Bush's second term the democrats had a veto proof majority in both houses of congress. The democrats passed some huge spending bills and I hoped that Bush would veto them even though the democratic senate would override his veto. At least that would have made the democrats own the huge debt increase. Instead Bush signed the bills. I don't know if he was trying to be "Mister nice guy" of what but that started my disenchantment with the Republican party. I also learned that you can't play nice with democrats. They'll eat you alive if you do.
. Wake up America! James

Yhea, wake up America, both sides are lying through their teeth.


The insurance companies are not fighting it-what does that tell you.

The medical doctors are not fighting it-what does that tell you.

Think about this- any time Congress raises their hands in the affirmative and any time a sitting President signs it, WHAT EVER IT IS, we loose freedoms and money.

Someone name me a time when we were ever given money back or given more freedoms!!

Shut 'er down!!!!
If you claim the Iraq war was an initiative of the Democrats, you must also believe in the tooth fairy.

The truth hurts doesn't? The democrats are just as much to blame for the war in Iraq and you just can't swallow that bitter pill. I bet if we could go back in time you supported the war (because 65% of Americans fully supported it at the time), but like a good democrat you would never admit that now. In fact 79% of France's voting population supported the war at the time. I guess Bush lied to them too?

Also, let's not forget the Harry S. Truman Korean War along with the Kennedy/Johnson Vietnam war while we are discussing ill advised military actions.

And speaking of a president lying, do you remember Clinton getting in front of the cameras and looking all of America in the eye and telling us "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"? Or I guess in your democratic mind that wasn't a lie. Just like Nixon lied about his involvement/knowledge in Watergate.

Anyone that blindly supports a party (democrat or republican) and votes along those lines only because of their party affiliation is a foolish person.

Neither party can wear white! And right now they are all spending our money like a drunk on Friday night, with no end in sight.
Is that all you got? I bet you bump into a lot of things with those blinders on.