Dave Dohrmann


New member
It saddens me to post this, but Dave Dohrmann passed away yesterday, Sunday April 4th.
I considerd Dave a very close friend for many years as did many of you.

His brother truely appreciates all the well wishes and concern for Dave over the last several months.

I have no information regarding Dave's business, Tru-Kote or any of it's products.
I talked to Dave just a few times on the phone, but I could tell.....Dave was a good guy. Sorry.
sad news

I guess the super shoot this year will be a little less enjoyable, I will miss seeing his smiling face across the table as he helps (or helped) many shooters enjoy this game more and more, we are diminished, I know I am

It saddens me to post this, but Dave Dohrmann passed away yesterday, Sunday April 4th. His brother truely appreciates all the well wishes and concern for Dave over the last several months.

I'm very sad to hear of his passing. I have a couple of his products and will think of him and his contributions to Benchrest whenever I use them. He won't be forgotten.
One for Dave

So it's Easter Sunday in Heaven,the pearly gates which normally close up for the day at 5:00 are open an extra hour 'cause it's Easter and Saint Peter is in a pretty laid back mood. Things have been kinda slow with only a few missionaries and nuns showing up with the proper credentials to gain instant access.Quite a few pretty good folks have been turned away 'cause the bad stuff outweighed the good stuff.
So now it's 6:01 and the gates start to squeak closed for the day. Saint Peter notices some skinny little guy kinda hanging around,not really trying to get in but in no hurry to leave either. He calls him out of the shadows and looks at his name tag." Dohrmann,why do you deserve to enter Heaven on this day" says St Peter in a booming voice." Well I'm not really shure,I ahh,ahh really never really did anything bad but then I ahh,ahh never really did anything good either" muttered a very sheepish and visibly rattled Dave. "Maybe I'll just come back another time".Dave starts to turn away nervously stumbles,spilling out the contents of his satchel.Saint Peter helps him collect his things. Along with super feet,passion bolt grease and miracle fabric are hundreds of prayer cards stuffed into his bag by his buddys. On any other day,at any other time, still probably not enough,but at closing time on Easter Sunday there's room for one more.
Better to be lucky than good, ain't that right Dave ?
Awwwww, I had no idea it was this bad. :(

Thank you Joel for your appropriate words.........

R I P Dave, I miss you already.

After I read Chris Harris' post about Dave, I left a quiet voice mail on his cell phone. I hope that he got it. I told him how sorry that I was about his situation, and that he has a lot of friends that care about him. It was a hard call to make.
Although I never met Dave face to face, I knew him on the phone starting back when I used to write for Shooters News. I wrote about several of his products. After that he would call every few months, or I would call him, and we would have a good long chat, about all sorts of things. I was always glad to hear his voice on the other end of the line.

Because I knew he was always looking for new products, any time that I had an idea, I would run it by him. He had a good sense of what his market was, and was a very patient listener to all sorts of schemes. At least one of them become part of his line. I felt privileged to have been of some use to a friend. And then, a while back, I got a call, he was in the hospital for tests and happened to have my number on his cell phone, and I was able to find someone else's that he needed. We had a good visit. It was sad news to hear. That was the first that I knew of his illness. Later, when he was back home, going to the hospital mornings, for radiation treatments, he continued to work, even though the treatments left him fatigued. I will miss Dave, as I am sure many of you who had the pleasure of knowing him will also. RIP
My God...

What's caused his passing?

Dave is one of the nicest men on this planet! ...I still remember how he talked with me at the Supershoot two years ago... his smiling face... his nice gifts...his emails, etc.

Rest in peace Dave. May your spirits will always be with us, my Friend!
It won't be the same.

At times like this, words escape me. The Super Shoot will not be the same without Dave and his new array of products. I, along with all who knew him will miss him greatly. My condolences to all family and friends. James
No one could have said it better.
I have Dave stories that I'll maybe share on some long cold winter's days later. There was only one Dave, looking over his glasses, staring or gazing you down. As they say on every rape and murder program, "He had no enemies".

It is difficult for me to believe he is gone. We began shooting here in Wisconsin at the Bristol range in the late 90's where we would share a table to load on Sunday mornings before moving to W.VA. where his employment took him.
Quick minded, gentle, humerous and full of ideas. I will miss him dearly.
We really are diminished...

Dave has been a guest in our house. We have shot together, played blackjack at the local casino together, discussed a zillion products together... just the things friends do.

Dave called me a couple of months ago and told me he had cancer and was getting ready for the treatment. I had no idea that he might go this fast.

This is so sad... this is one guy you can't replace.

Dick & Glorya Wright
Very sad to hear. Dave was one of those guys that I looked forward to seeing at a match. He was always trying to come up with the latest gadget for the BR shooter. He will be missed.
A prayer from all of us

May the Lord bless you and keep you and let his light shine upon you, and bring you peace.

Geary Koglin
Grand Blanc, MI
So it's Easter Sunday in Heaven,the pearly gates which normally close up for the day at 5:00 are open an extra hour 'cause it's Easter and Saint Peter is in a pretty laid back mood. Things have been kinda slow with only a few missionaries and nuns showing up with the proper credentials to gain instant access.Quite a few pretty good folks have been turned away 'cause the bad stuff outweighed the good stuff.
So now it's 6:01 and the gates start to squeak closed for the day. Saint Peter notices some skinny little guy kinda hanging around,not really trying to get in but in no hurry to leave either. He calls him out of the shadows and looks at his name tag." Dohrmann,why do you deserve to enter Heaven on this day" says St Peter in a booming voice." Well I'm not really shure,I ahh,ahh really never really did anything bad but then I ahh,ahh never really did anything good either" muttered a very sheepish and visibly rattled Dave. "Maybe I'll just come back another time".Dave starts to turn away nervously stumbles,spilling out the contents of his satchel.Saint Peter helps him collect his things. Along with super feet,passion bolt grease and miracle fabric are hundreds of prayer cards stuffed into his bag by his buddys. On any other day,at any other time, still probably not enough,but at closing time on Easter Sunday there's room for one more.
Better to be lucky than good, ain't that right Dave ?
I have done business with Dave in the past, though I never really knew him, I could tell from the little amount of time we e-mailed back and forth, he was (As every one had mentioned.) one great guy. God Bless you Dave, and your family, It is evident you have touched many people and left a great mark, you are missed.
I have missed Dave since he moved away from the
Aurora Sportsmans Club in Sugar Grove IL. I had always hoped he would move back. Dave started benchrest shooting at ASC when I was Rifle/Pistol Comm Chairman. I like to think I helped him get started. He became the club benchrest champion and then the R/P Chairman and did a great job. It has dwindled off since he left.
I hope his passing was easy (though I fear not).
One of the problems with all this communication is though the advances in our equipment, techniques, etc spread with break neck speed, so too we are witness to the passing of many great people.

John Millington
I'm having a difficult time coming to grips with this.

For those of you that didn't know, Dave was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago. By the time it was discovered, it had spread to his kidney, liver, lung, stomach and brain.

He underwent radiation treatment for the brain tumor and that was successful. He underwent a course or two of chemo, but was unable to maintain his body weight, so he could not take any more treatments.

Although Dave and I never met in person, we talked nearly every day on the phone for a few years. That started to change when he was diagnosed, and we spoke less and less as he got sicker. Dave said he didn't like to bring people down and I respected that, so I didn't pester him. I just hope that he didn't take my decreased calling as a sign I didn't care.

I'll really miss Dave, his stories, and mostly his off-color humor. We are truly diminished.
I had only known Dave for about 3 years but we spoke often. Dave was one of the nice guys. He will be missed by a lot by his friends.
Wow - sad sad sad. I have been calling every other day while he was in the hospice (I spoke to him the day before he was admitted) and never got an answer until now when his landlord answered Dave's phone. I told the landlord (Bob) that I would post something to find this post of last Sunday.

I met Dave at the SuperShoot and instantly liked him. Full of fun and a great pitchman for his products - I called him the ShamWow man. He also took a sincere interest in helping you get the RIGHT product for your shooting, not what was most profitable for him.

A sad way to go but he left with us admiring him for being such a neat guy. He will be remembered fondly and missed greatly.
