Custom Rifles

Pete Wass

Well-known member
Is anyone out there making custom Benchrest Air Rifles? I just found some extra Nursing home's money :).


What class air rifle are you looking for.. LV- 12fpe, HV- 20fpe, Open -35fpe or Unlimited? Are you looking for someone to start from the ground up? US FT bench rest version comes to mind.. I like the ones I have:) They are very flexible with a few part changes.. Tim at MacI airguns might be worth a call.

Wayne Burns
Thanks Wayne,

I am not sure what to do. I am quite ignorant with regard to the rules for the rifles and how the competition will go. Will there be a three gun comp like there is in the Rimfire games? Will, say, a good shooting LV rifle surfice for all the Varmint classes or will one need to have a seperate rifle for each class? I still have much to learn and I haven't done much in terms of research or reading up on things. So far, it sounds somewhat complicated. I guess I better be finding out though.

Not going to be very practical to shoot more than two classes in the same match, the way things are set up for now, as the relays simply take too long.
There are custom air rifles, some that are extremely well suited to benchrest. There are also factory air rifles that provide an excellent platform to start with. Air Arms, FWB, Steyr, Theoben, Walther and the USFT are examples. There are new introductions that look to have potential, like the TM1000 and the Milbro. Look for the features that you believe are most important.

Some have great triggers, some make loading easy, some make barrel changes simple and some disassemble/assemble with a few allen wrenches.

To anticipate a question, no, there is no Bill Calfee in this arena, even if a one or two think so.
There are custom air rifles, some that are extremely well suited to benchrest. There are also factory air rifles that provide an excellent platform to start with. Air Arms, FWB, Steyr, Theoben, Walther and the USFT are examples. There are new introductions that look to have potential, like the TM1000 and the Milbro. Look for the features that you believe are most important.

Some have great triggers, some make loading easy, some make barrel changes simple and some disassemble/assemble with a few allen wrenches.

To anticipate a question, no, there is no Bill Calfee in this arena, even if a one or two think so.

Thank You Cris,

I want to avoid making something work if at all possible. I have been through trying to make "Production Rifles" work over the years in CF Benchrest and do not want to re-visit it. I am pretty much interested in an action that is easy to load and cycle, with a trigger of 2 oz or less and a stock that is designed to be shot off benchrest bags.

I suspect there is a Bill Calfee somewhere in the making, don't you?

Benchrest ari guns

Hello, I just purchased an Marauder on the recommendations from forum users as an entry type gun. I know it does shoot as good as my custom Suhl, at 25 yds will put holes inside holes. I have not taken it to the range yet to try longer distances. The EV2 has been recommended by several sources. It is an off the shelf target gun that has a rep for shooting very accurately. In my research I have found an Anschuetz That that looks super but I don't know the air bench rules and how it would fit. The good news is that the really good shooting olympic 10 meter guns are less than a custom rimfire Bench Rifle. I am personally thinking about putting together a modified rifle based on an accurate factory gun and a custom stock. Right now looking at a S400 or S500 to play with also. Confused as you but making small holes in USBR targets off my deck
.P.S> Best Tom I am really interest in seeing what you come up with.
The good news: Ammo is cheaper than $20 per 50 rounds, and you dont have to through meg dollars to find the "right lot"
Annie target air rifles of current vintage( Cal .177 only) with out mods =550-570 fps peak velocity with 8gr pellets. This is a very challenging velocity for 25yard/meters. Verses your Rapid and Marauder at 900+ for the same pellet. Annies not available state side in .22 ( never seen or heard of any anyway) Several years back ANZ ventured into field target with the models 2020 and 2025 both in.177 2020=12ft lbs 2025 was around 15ft lbs these were based on the then new 2002CA unit ( conversion of the 2002 ssp unit) which is the forefather of the 8000 and 9000 series available now. Sadly ANZ did not pursue this area further. FWB had the p70 in an factory FT version, also did not pursue in the 700 series. Styer I think is the only MFG of Olympic style units still offering up to 20 ft lb unit. Since Walther has become part of the Umeric complex I do not know if the orginal Ft Dominator is still being made. ( Mine shoots very well) I also have one of the ANZ 2025 units but have not had time to play with it as of yet.
22 vs 1.77

I just read the rules and see both can be used. Which is most popular.
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Thanks Wayne,

"I am not sure what to do. I am quite ignorant with regard to the rules for the rifles and how the competition will go. Will there be a three gun comp like there is in the Rimfire games? Will, say, a good shooting LV rifle surfice for all the Varmint classes or will one need to have a seperate rifle for each class? I still have much to learn and I haven't done much in terms of research or reading up on things. So far, it sounds somewhat complicated. I guess I better be finding out though.


The12fpe LV class, EV2 has shot scores that top even "Open" class, in the right conditions... so one could conceivably, just buy that one.. But, yes at "world matches", which don't happen very often, at least two class are shot and a combined score is tallied... but one can shoot a LV rig in both classes... and many did at the last world championships. The best score on a single card, which was a 250/250, was produced from a LV rig.. and EV2, and shot from bags, not a mechanical rest!... food for thought, no?

Wacky Wayne,
Match Director,
Ashland Air Rifle Range
I've got a Theoben Rapid tweeked by Alan Z. Does anyone make a Delrin (or other material) piece that will attach to the stock/bottle area to give that flat benchrest forearm that fits in the front rest?
Thanks Wayne,

"I am not sure what to do. I am quite ignorant with regard to the rules for the rifles and how the competition will go. Will there be a three gun comp like there is in the Rimfire games? Will, say, a good shooting LV rifle surfice for all the Varmint classes or will one need to have a seperate rifle for each class? I still have much to learn and I haven't done much in terms of research or reading up on things. So far, it sounds somewhat complicated. I guess I better be finding out though.


The12fpe LV class, EV2 has shot scores that top even "Open" class, in the right conditions... so one could conceivably, just buy that one.. But, yes at "world matches", which don't happen very often, at least two class are shot and a combined score is tallied... but one can shoot a LV rig in both classes... and many did at the last world championships. The best score on a single card, which was a 250/250, was produced from a LV rig.. and EV2, and shot from bags, not a mechanical rest!... food for thought, no?

Wacky Wayne,
Match Director,
Ashland Air Rifle Range

Yes Wayne, It does look like the EV2 is tough to beat. Pete