CT vs New Jersey and Bell City final score match of the year


Mike Suhie
Yesterday we had our final match of the year at Bell City, and it also marked the second half of the CT vs NJ challenge (the first match was at Cherry Ridge and was an unregistered group match). The weather threatened some terrific conditions prior to the match start, but, in completely contrarian fashion, the winds laid down and rain stopped just before and then continued to do so the entirety of the match. The Jersey shooters put on a fine showing and took home bragging rights for next year by winning both the group and the score competitions. Many of the Jersey shooters shot the registered portion of the match one of whom was Blase Brunner who took home top honors in VFS and simultaneously set a new range record for Bell City with 250-23x. The previous record was held by Clark Shen with 21x's.
The food was great, the guys had a great time, and the conditions couldn't have been better for our final match. We even managed to hook a few new shooters on the score/benchrest game...now if we could just find a range with moving backers we'd be all set!
We are hoping to host our first State Championship next year and will be starting preparations for that endeavor soon.
Thanks, again, to all those who supported the matches as well as helped make them run. It has been a lot of fun and we are looking forward to doing it next year.
Mike Suhie