Crawfish State 3 gun......Sunday results

DJB in Wi

New member
It was a pretty nice day for the meters event. High temp around 76. Light 0-6 winds for sporter, and then it picked up to around 2-10. Not bad, but during 101/2 the winds got very switchy and the flags were working overtime. The 131/2 showed things got tougher. Thanks Bill (thumper) for running a great Crawfish shoot. The full results will come as soon as Mr Weeter gets time.Doug B.

Sporter METERS

Steve Lloyd........250-20X.......A possible new WORLD and Club record. Great shooting Steve (fiddler)
Keith Lovan.......250-8X
Doug Bell..........249-16X

101/2 METERS

Mike Cameron..........250-19X
phil Deese...............250-13X
Dexter Bumgarner...250-10X

131/2 METERS

Keith Lovan..............249-13X
Dexter Bumgarner.....248-17X
Tim Miller.................248-15X


Dexter Bumgarner......498-27X
Keith Lovan................497-26X
Mike Cameron............496-37X


Keith Lovan...............747-34X
Mike Cameron...........745-46X
Dexter Bumgarner.....745-41X

6 GUN Yards and Meters

Mike Cameron...........1493-93X
Jim Pepper...............1487-82X
Dexter Bumgarner....1487-73X
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Another Crawfish in the books

Thanks Doug for entering the update. We started off with practice in the cool damp driving rains and ended the weekend in warm balmy temps. As stated, Steve (Fiddler) Lloyd, representing the great state of Alabama, gave us a Sporter Shooting lesson that put the lid on a super gathering of shooters from 12different states. By the way, I must remind Mr. Jim Mollica, that Steve is now accepting applications for his "Sporter Shooting Seminars". All kidding aside, Steve shot a beautiful target in very challenging conditions, and it will be on it's way to the IR50/50 headquarters tomorrow for verification, it shouldn't take long cause Ray Charles could score this one. More to come later. Thumper

My congratulations to Steve (Fiddler) on his expertise in the sporter; he never leaves one of the toughest ranges in the Southeast without wood. Keith and Dexter deserve lauds for their consistent performances and Mike Cameron continues to frustrate me. I met him at his first shoot and he has progressed in the ranks more than anybody I know. When I'm hot, he beats me by a point, and X or a first miss. The favor he has done for me is to stay in this game and break the curse he has bestowed upon me. BTW, Thanks to Dick and Helen Spafford for the fudge and the Brownies and their support and friendship.