Crawfish Shoot

William Smith

New member
Shooters, It is with sad heart that I must notify you that the Florida State Championship, better known as the Crawfish Shoot, will not be held this year. My health has gone downhill and I just can't physically run the match. I have found a gentleman who will run the Rimfire Benchrest matches and take my place as Match Director. While he is new to Rimfire Benchrest, he is highly qualified as a Centerfire Benchrest shooter and Match Director. I feel certain that by this time next year, he will feel more comfortable in his position and be ready to assume the rigors of the Crawfish Shoot. I want to thank everyone who has attended and participated in this match during it's years past. I started shooting this game of ours in 1999 and grew to love it from the first time that I touched a trigger on Rimfire Benchrest rifle. I am going to miss the matches, of course, but I am going to miss the people even more. The people that I have met, both shooters and watchers, are the greatest in the world and will always hold a special place in my heart and soul. I cannot tell you all of the memories that you have created for me and my family, but I can tell you that they are enough to last a lifetime, no pun intended on how long I will last. I want to thank everyone who, over the years, has chipped in to help me out with everything from scoring to running targets, posting results, and the old standby manual labor, you Ladies and Gentlemen, are the best and I will miss each and every one of you. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions that you even think I can answer for you. I hope I can attend next years match, just to say hello and thanks to all my friends. Take care, be safe, and keep-um in the "X" ring. V/R, Thumper
Thump, I'm saddened to hear this! The Crawfish has been on my List for several years & for many reasons just hasn't worked out. The lure to it without you running it is now greatly diminished. It has been an honor to have met you & always looked fwd to seeing you at Kettlefoot. Best wishes to you my friend!
Just goes to show, if its on your List you better go do it. Our opportunities don't last forever.


Sorry to hear a about your health. Always enjoyed the Crawfish match, even when you served bass bait for lunch. The range was always one of the more challenging ones on the circuit. Wish you well and hope to see the Crawfish back on the schedule soon.

Ken Henderson
Bill, take care of yourself. Sorry to hear your health is slowing ya down, but I definitely understand, happened to me as well. I continued shooting about 3 years longer than I should have. Performance had fallen way off because I got so exhausted during a match. It took me 3-4 days to recover after a match. I was just too stubborn to give it up. hahhha I enjoyed the people a lot as well as the competition.